Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

74 | Notre Dame fire on Leonardo da Vinci's birhtday, April 15, 2019

In light of the Illuminati connections to the burning of Notre Dame, notice it came on Da Vinci's birthday, and of course, the Da Vince Code, is about the Illuminati.

1 comment:

  1. "Fire on the Leonardo Da Vinci Birthday"=====333 O <<<
    "Expect April Fifteenth Ritual Date"========333
    "Count Total Days from a Birth"==========333

    "Date of Rituals"=====666 J
    "Prophecy"======== 666
    "Symbolic Code"=====666

    "Spans of One Hundred Nineteen Days"======333 O <<<<<

    From 4-15-19 to 8-11-19 is 119 Days

    "Death Ritual"===========119

    "Hundred Nineteen Total Days"===========333 K
    "Hundred Nineteen Agenda Days"==========333 K
    "Secret Illuminati Ritual"================333 K

    Or 17 Weeks:

    "Death Ritual Coming [Week Seventeen]"======333 O
    "Expect Death Ritual on Date [Tisha Bav]"======333
    "A Major Ritual Expected [Eight Eleven]"=======333
    "Date [Eight Eleven Nineteen] Symbols"========333

    "Use Ordinal Gematria to Decode a Message"=====333



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