Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, April 15, 2019

95 188 221 | Emmanuel Macron says 'WE WILL REBUILD IT', April 15, 2019, regarding burning of Notre Dame

1+2+5+10+20+50+100 = 188


  1. Warriors blew a 31 point lead in the second game against the Clippers. Cousins out with an injury and will miss a long time.

    1. Clippers scored 85 second half points. Lol

  2. "We Will Rebuild it"======76, 95
    "Coming Reset Button"=====76, 95, 911 J
    "Mind Control Operations"=========911 J

    "We Will Rebuild It"===================184 O
    "N.W.O. Solidarity"====================184 O < Illuminati Card

    "We Will Rebuild It"===================210 K
    "MSM Deception"========================210 K
    "DOW Jones Market Crash"===============210 K


  3. Rebuild" = 46 (Reverse Full Reduction, sacrifuce =46
    Rebuild" = 118 (Reverse Ordinal). Death=118. Death of of idea and birth of another?

    Remember Park51 or Ground Zero Mosque?????

    Park51 (originally named Cordoba House) is a development that was originally envisioned as a 13-story Islamic community center and mosque in Lower Manhattan. The developers hoped to promote an interfaith dialogue within the greater community. Due to its proposed location two blocks from the World Trade Center site, it was widely and controversially referred to as the "Ground Zero mosque".[6

  4. Victor Hugo died May 22, 1885. May 22 the mirror date to August 11...

    1. "Reference the Author [Victor Hugo]"=333, 415 K < What Day?

      "Repeat Mind Control Programming"=====415 K
      "Tarot Card"==========================415 S
      "Key"=================================415 J

      "Count the Days [Author Victor Hugo Death Date]"=444, 555
      "Do What Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole ofthe Law"=444, 555

      From 5-22 to 8-11 is 81 Days:

      "Ritual"=============81, 81 <<< Gematriot
      "Eighty One Total Days"==81

      "Tisha Bav Event on a [August Eleventh]"=====3333 J
      "Count Days from a [May Twenty Second] Date"=3333
      "New World Order Government Agenda"==========3333
      "Massive Earthquake followed by a Tsunami"===3333

      "Ritual Magic Code"=522
      "Secret Agenda"=====522 S
      "Forecast"==========522 Su

      "Four Three's Agenda Signal Code"======911
      "Freemasonic Symbol"===================911
      "Natural Disasters"====================911


  5. Consider ... "We Will Rebuild. IT All Together." What a difference the placement of a period can make. His use of "it" seems superfluous -- unless you read it Literally -- & "IT" means "Information Technology" ... ergo ... "We Will Rebuild. Information Technology All Together." Then it makes sense, especially coming from an obedient Technocrat. Recall that "Technocracy" is not about technology per se, but refers to Economic Reform -- a Scientific Dictatorship in which ALL things are Weighed & Measured, & Resources are Allocated According to Each Unit's Value To The System. "Technocratic" = 119 eo ... :D ;D


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