Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 6, 2019

20 31 33 71 115 | Bradley Cooper & Irina Shayk split on 71st day of Lady Gaga's age, June 6, 2019

This news comes on Lady Gaga's 71st day of her age.

She was born Stefani Germanotta, summing to 71.

The name Shayk sums to 71.

71, the 20th prime; Gaga = 20

The birthdays of Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk are as follows (one day apart):

Notice both women are 33.

This news comes on a 31 date numerology, June 6, 2019.

6/6/19 = 6+6+19 = 31

There is a triangular relationship with 'Stefani', 'Irina Shayk' and 'breakup'.


  1. Wentz, Eagles, signed a 4 year contract

    1. Nothing to decode he is GOOD, genuinely playing because of talent. Praise the Lord for him!

  2. Another fake arranged Hollywood Relationship/Marriage "By The Numbers". Bradley COOPER ( Gary COOPER) is one of the 13 Bavarian Illuminati Bloodlines so is Gaga. In 1933(33) Actor Gary COOPER married Veronica Balfe and the have a daughter, just like Bradley and Irina. Also, Balfe died at the age of 86 in the year 2000 and Irina was born in "86".

    "Gary Cooper"=115(Jewish Ordinal) 115( 1 + 1 + 5 =7)
    "6th Of June"=115(Jewish Ordinal)

    "13 Illuminati"=52(Full Red.) 52 ( 5 + 2 =7)
    "Irina Shayk"=52(Full Red.)

    "Hollywood"=33(Reverse Full Red.)

    "Hollywood"=44(Jewish Red.)

  3. Repeat of Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie. Thank God they will now no longer be on EVERY COVER of the tabloids for a decade. They will be replaced with the new three stooges. Rinse. Repeat.

  4. "Gaga Over Bradley" = 71(Full Reduction)

    "B. Cooper" = 115(Reverse Ordinal)

    The split comes after four years.

    "Irina Shayk" = 52(Full Reduction)
    "Russian" = 52(Reverse Full Reduction)
    "Four Years" = 52(Reverse Full Reduction)


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