Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, June 13, 2019

31 | Cuba Gooding Jr. surrenders to NYPD for groping woman, June 13, 2019 news

This news comes on a date with 31 numerology.

6/13/2019 = 6+13+(2+0+1+9) = 31


This is big news in New York.

New York is the 11th state
31 date; 31, the 11th prime

Today is 162-days after his birthday, or his 163rd day of his age.


  1. "Cuba Gooding Jr" = 162(LCH Kabbalah)
    "A Crucified Black Man In New York" = 162(Reverse Full Reduction)
    "June Thirteenth, Two Thousand Nineteen" = 162(Single Reduction)
    "June Thirteenth, Two Thousand Nineteen" = 162(Single Reduction KV)

    This is also the 163rd day of the year.

    "NYPD" = 163(Francis Bacon)
    "Crucifying A Black Man" = 163(Jewish Ordinal)

    "Another Crucified Black Man" = 216(English Ordinal)(6x6x6 = 216); "New York" = 666(English Sumerian)

    "CGJ" = 11(Full Reduction)
    "Black" = 11(Full Reduction)

    "Jan 2, 1968" = 51(English Ordinal)(He is 51 so it is a good time for a conspiracy against him.)
    "January Second" = 51(Full Reduction)
    "Surrenders" = 51(Full Reduction)
    "Rodney King" = 51(Jewish Reduction)

  2. 6/13 was when the world found out about the death of OJ Simpson's wife.
    Cuba played the part of OJ Simpson on television.


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