Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, June 24, 2019

69 | Mexico sends 15,000 troops to US Border, June 24, 2019

This news comes on a date with 69 numerology.

6/24/2019 = 6+24+20+19 = 69


  1. 06 + 24 + 20 + 19 = 69

    "Sur Name McIlroy" = 69
    "Second Win Signal" = 69
    "Claret Jug Holder" = 69
    "A Twenty Seventh Day" = 69
    "Winner [Rory]" = 69

    1. 15 <<< 5th Triangular...Like 5th Major?

      "Fifteen" = 171 <<< 18th Triangular [6 + 6 + 6]?
      "Rory McIlroy" = 171
      "McIlroy Victory" = 171
      "News Story Signals" = 171

  2. Mexicos 58th President: Andrés Manuel López Obrador aka AMLO = 22 reverse full reduction.

    Date numerology 6+2+4+1+9 = 22

  3. The Mexican flag is of an Eagle and in the past we were shown that Trump and the eagles don’t mix.. so keep an eye on the border.

    Aside that Mexico and Germany have history. (I’d have to look more for detail) Trump was elected on a day before the fall of the Berlin Wall and is now having issues with the Wall with Mexico

  4. Sorry if I keep adding posts.
    Mexico and Germany share the same national bird the Golden Eagle.

  5. Looking at the number 15,000 reminds me of the whole situation of the Whiskey Rebellion, and George Washington having to step in (Apparently learning in U.S HIS STORY #1).

    George Washington = 187, 88, and 74
    George = 39, 57, and 105 (15)
    Whiskey Rebellion = 84 and 87 (8 + 7 = 15)
    Rebellion = 47 (4 +7 = 11, a master number and 1 + 1 = 2, which if I can recall were my spirit numbers when looking on a specific website and adding my birth date etc.) 1+1 = 2, 2+2 = 4 (Usually symbolizing death in Asian cultures and others etc.)
    Troops = 103 = 13 (Masonic #)
    The 13 Colonies
    Friday the 13th
    The Zodiac and Jesus and his Disciples etc.
    Colony = 78 (7+8 = 15)

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