Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

CNN calls for increased censorship on YouTube, June 11, 2019

Zio is short for Zionism, not Jewish.


  1. Another (mostly unmentioned) reason YT is running off Intelligent Skeptics, is because their primary target audience is now kids & young adults who obsessively watch "Gamer & Prank Channels". Instead of going outside -- or even playing the games themselves -- millions of 5 to 25 year olds are watching a bunch of idiot man-children play video games & pull pranks ... while delivering a never-ending stream of nonsensical, profanity-laced (& often perverse) commentary. The viewers are like zombies -- oblivious to their surroundings & clueless to the conditioning they're being subjected to.
    As the Intelligent Skeptics are driven away, so too is is the likelihood that the True Effect of this Negative Programming will be revealed. How many parents actually See, Hear & Understand what's really being conveyed by this supposed "silliness" -- despite the fact that their kids seem literally addicted to this type of content? (If the kids are laughing in the next room, it must be okay ...)
    Google "Preston Playz" & you'll find nothing but page after page of glowing praise & promotion for this 25 yr old "Christian" multi-millionaire. Watch his channel though & you'll see hours of him giggling nonstop while gaming, & embarking on innumerable Destructive "pranks" -- spray-painting cars, destroying homes, etc. Good luck explaining to the zombies that "real people" go to jail for such acts -- no matter whether the intent was malicious or "fun".
    And don't get me started on the gamers who constantly promote perversity & sexual violence ... they've got millions of views & subs ... & yet NONE of their filthy, x-rated content is EVER restricted or pulled.
    An entire generation is being swept up in this supposedly "silly, harmless" programming ... it's like these viewers are in a coma. And instead of learning how to Participate & survive/succeed in life, they're transfixed by imaginary worlds & Passively Watching Others.
    It is literally Conditioning them for their future in the world of "Ready Player One". Which is just what The System wants. :D ;D

  2. After trump we get Betnie sanders then it's lights out for Babylon


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