Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, July 12, 2019

49 127 | 4.9 magnitude earthquake hits Ridgecrest, July 12, 2019

More than 4,700 quakes since the July 4 quake, eh?

That follows the paragraph about "11 miles Northeast of Ridgecrrest, the USGS said.  It unleashed 11 times the amount of energy"...

This latest quake, a 4.9, comes July 12, or 12/7, like 127.

Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 127
Scottish = 49; America = 49

*There was also a 4.6 quake in thee Seattle area today.


  1. 07 + 12 + 20 + 19 = 58
    08 + 11 + 20 + 19 = 58

    "Agenda" = 58, 58 <<< Gematriot
    "D.O.D." = 58
    "Eight Eleven" = 58
    "Hidden Agenda" = 58
    "Fake Earthquake" = 58

    4.9 Magnitude?

    "Planned Chaos" = 49
    "Future Event" = 49
    "Revelation" = 49
    "Sign" = 49
    "Key" = 49
    "End" = 49

    "Forty Nine" = 126
    "Scripted Agenda" = 126

    "July Twelfth Message" = 69
    "One Month One Day" = 69 <<< What Day is That?
    "Count Thirty Days" = 69
    "Hundred Eighteen" = 69
    "Thirtieth Day" = 69
    "Message" = 69
    "Event" = 69
    "Magic" = 69

    Todays Date is 721 or 127

    "M.A.G.A. Symbols" = 127 & 721 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    "Symbolism" = 721

    Notice the Post Time of 10:42 Am, like 142

    "Black Operation" = 142
    "Coming Mega-Quake" = 142

    42nd Minute Leaves 18 Minutes: 6 + 6 + 6

    "Prophecy" = 666
    "Orders to Proceed" = 666
    "Earthquake Machines" = 666
    "Ritualistic Kabbalah" = 666
    "Scripted Agenda Signals" = 666
    "Gematria Language Codes" = 666
    "Mathematical Perfection" = 666 <<< 36th Triangular

    6 * 6 * 6 = 216

    "Combined Disasters" = 612 <<< Illuminati Card Game

    1. 07 + 12 + 20 + 19 = 58

      "Ridgecrest CA" = 58, 112 <<< Old Emergency Dialing Code?
      "Eight Eleven" = 58, 112


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