Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 1, 2019

47 60 | Harriet film (about Harriet Tubman), releases November 1, 2019

And notice how Harriet sums to 47.


  1. Nobody:
    Zachary greenblatt: "Nigger"=60

  2. Hey Zach. Congrats for losing so many patreon subscribers! Over 200 in 1 day because of your scumbag attitude. People are finally realizing what a selfish tard you really are.

    1. Did he really lose over 200? I had no clue he had close to 2,000 Patreons.. That is nuts that he's likely bringing in close to 5 grand a month to produce wrong picks.. Wtf is wrong with people? It's clear this guy is a double agent.

    2. Well if all 2,000 of those are giving him 5 bucks, it's closer to 10,000 a month. Let that sink in. A guy making THAT MUCH off of this work should at least be right 9 out of 10 times. He's not even close. I'm not discrediting gematria, as the occult certainly uses it to rig events, but this clown should not be raking in this sort of $.

    3. Yep I stopped subbing over the summer where he peaked at about $12k per month and I think it was still hovering around 10k last I checked. He deserves none of it at this point..

    4. If he was really making a dent in the elite's plans, they wouldn't allow him to make over 6 figures a year on this shit. This is why I don't trust him.

    5. What's hilarious, is if people wanted to know who wins the World Series, when the Kincade Fire started at John Kincade Rd, they could've plugged in "John Kincade Rd." and then "Washington Nationals" and saw the 235 overlap. The fire was 115 days before John Kincade's birthday. All fires were scripted for the World Series and off of Billie Eilish's song, including some small earthquakes around Mt. Rainier. Amazing how the decode could've been simple as that, in hindsight.

    6. I've always said that this shit is simpler than it's being shown here. All these different ciphers have just overcomplicated things, and helps Zach plug in any word he wants.

  3. He was around 2,200 for a while now. He'said down to 1,990 right now and it keeps ticking down. He's made so many bad, crude comments lately and his picks have been below average for a while now. Plus he didn't do himself any favors saying "I have a better track record than than anyone EVER. Period" in regards to his sports picks.

    1. Which is hilarious because he doesn't even track his win loss ratio. If he did he would be showing it like any other professional sports picker... but he doesn't because he doesn't track it he genuinely doesn't even know how many games he has won or lost in the last 2 years straight and quite frankly I bet he is scared to even find out

    2. Can't wait until December 1st, hopefully he'll lose even more. Before long he'll have none left.

  4. Actually he was bringing in 12k a month at one point. Totally undeserving of it. Taking people's money and giving them bad pick advice. That's horrible.

    1. He's a snake for charging for picks, but are that many people this gullible? Some posters on here give out better picks.

  5. Guys in my football pool at work give better picks. They go 11-5 consistently. Most weeks Zach is like 8-8 or 9-7. That loses people tons of money. And he's claiming to be the "best EVER. Period."??...yeah no

  6. Worst part is half the time you can't even tell who he picks because he gives cases for both sides, doesn't pick a winner and then when it's over he is like "See! See I totally called it!"

  7. Wow just wow.... Karma will get him back some day hopefully

  8. With all the censorship and google still takes you directly to his blog and That should tell you everything you need to know right there

    1. Exactly. If the so-called New World Order wanted to keep this a secret, this blog or any of his YouTube channels would have never even seen the light of day.

    2. Or maybe this is how it becomes dis-credited. Keep it available, but turn it into a total shit show. Alex Jones style.

  9. Okay, so, can someone clarify why exactly Hubbard has all of the sudden taken an enormous blow in Patreon subscribers? Don't get me wrong, I'm SO glad to see that happening because he's basically been proven to be a fraud by this point, but what ONE event was it that happened? Actually if I had to guess I would say Hubbard's Rationalwiki article might have done it because it was right around the same time it went up that people began ripping him to shreds on his own blog.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I never looked at Rational Wiki. For me, it was the relentless campaign on Patreon from Daily Picks. At first I thought he was a total bitch pushing his own page so heavily, but as it turns out, the constant "NO ACTUAL PICKS" really did expose Zach.
      To be honest, at first I found it a bit strange that Zach never deleted/blocked him, but I suspect it may be because a lot of people actually enjoy reading his constant "trolling". I know I sure did and I am sort of missing reading all the posts. It's kinda worth paying the $5 a month just for that alone. I think Zach probably understands this, so if he blocks him it will potentially cost him a few more subs.

    3. I don't think it was one event that lost the subscribers but he has been so horrible on his picks in the last few months people are fed up. So when it came time to re-up they just kinda quit on him. Cause it's the first of the month.


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