Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Significant September 11

Significant September 11th:
  • 1773 - Benjamin Franklin writes “There never was a good war or bad peace”
  • 1789 - Alexander Hamilton appointed 1st Secretary of Treasury
  • 1857 - Mountain Meadows Massacre, Mormons dressed as Indians murder 120 colonists in Utah
  • 1919 - US marines invade Honduras
  • 1922 – British mandate on Palestine
  • 1941 - FDR orders any Axis ship found in ocean waters be shot on sight
  • 1941 - Charles Lindbergh, charges “British, Jewish & Roosevelt administration “are trying to get US into WW II”
  • 1941 - Construction of the Pentagon begins
  • 1944 - US 5th Armored Division is 1st allied force to enter nazi-Germany
  • 1950 - 33 military men die in accidental train crash in Coshocton, Ohio
  • 1958 - Great Britain performs atmospheric nuclear test at Christmas Island
  • 1965 - The 1st Cavalry Division of the United States Army arrives in Vietnam.
  • 1966 - France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
  • 1970- 88 of the hostages from the Dawson’s Field hijackings are released. The remaining hostages, mostly Jews and Israeli citizens, are held until September 25.
  • 1973 - Chile’s President, Salvador Allende, deposed in a military coup backed by United States Government.  (Salvador Allende was the world’s first democratically elected Marxist President)
  • 1986 - US performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
  • 1990 – George H.W. Bush gives speech “ushering in New World Order”
  • 1994 –  A single-engine Cesna plane flies into the side of the White House
  • 2001 – Two passenger planes hijacked by terrorists crashes into New York’s World Trade Towers causing the collapse of both & death of 2,752 people
    2001 - Terrorists hijack a passenger plane and crash it into the Pentagon causing the death of 125 people
    2001 - Attempt by passengers and crew of United Airlines Flight 93 to retake control of their hijacked plane from terrorists causes plane to crash in Pennsylvania field killing all 64 people onboard
In hindsight, it seems strangely curious that Benjamin Franklin wrote, “There never was a good war or bad peace” on the same date that has become widely known for warfare and falling from peace, and in a nation that has been involved in war for all but twenty-one years of its entire existence.  Perhaps Benjamin Franklin knew something that we didn’t when he wrote his now famous quotation.  As you look through the list of historic September 11th dates in U.S. history, it is hard to wonder if all these significant acts of military aggression and preparation are of coincidence, or something much more devious.

Also of significance, is the appointing of Alexander Hamilton as the United State’s first Secretary of Treasury on 9/11/1789.  Hamilton is said to be the nation’s most important Secretary of Treasury due to the policies he created and their legacy which are still largely in place today; he was chiefly responsible for relocating the nation’s capitol from Philadelphia to the District of Columbia, he is the primary architect of the federal governments tax and spend financial system, and he ushered in the nation’s first Central Bank (the predecessor to the modern day Federal Reserve) much to the chagrin of other prominent historical figures from the same era, such as Thomas Jefferson, who had this to say in response to Hamilton’s Central Bank, “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.”

 Moving though history, we see that the United States and Britain have used this date as a means to expand their empire throughout the world.  The invasion and acquisition of Honduras by the United States of 1919 is a shining example of this strategy/policy in action.  The reasons for acquiring these islands, along with other islands in the Pacific, Atlantic and Gulf can be understood by examining President Theodore Roosevelt’s quote on why the United States needed to acquire Hawaii.  “No triumph of peace can equal the armed triumph of war. We must take Hawaii in the interests of the white race.”  Had Teddy Roosevelt made that quotation today, he very well might have left off the ‘white race’ part, but the political overtones of strengthening the country through acquisition likely would have stayed intact.

As for Hawaii, most U.S. citizens refer to the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, as the event that entered the United States into World War II.  However, that is not factually correct.  Earlier in the year, on September 11th, 1941, FDR ordered that any Axis ship in ocean waters be shot on sight.  This, by many historians’ accounts, is the actual date the United States entered into World War II.  On this same date, Charles Lindbergh gave his famous speech on the reasons for not entering the war in which he argued that an organized conspiracy by the British and U.S. Governments, along with the wealthy banking elite who would finance and profit from the war, were misleading the American public into the reasons for war.  Also on this same date, the United States government began construction on the Pentagon, an entity that now consumes two-thirds of the United States Federal Budget, when paired with our defense spending on the Jewish state of Israel.

Moving further along with the U.S.’s history of world domination, this week marks the 40-year-anniversay of the CIA’s overthrowing of the world’s first democratically elected Marxist President, Salvador Allende of Chile.  The overthrow of Allende and the systematic installation of brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet was overseen by Henry Kissinger, a man who has been in Washington D.C. ever since and is now a key member of the Obama administration.  Pinochet was in power from 1973-1990, and oversaw the execution of 3,000 Chilean citizens, and the disappearance of 1,000 more.

Of course when most U.S. citizens hear the words ‘nine-eleven’, they think of what took place on September 11th, 2001.  That is, the terrorist attacks that have given way to the wars in the Middle East, and the trading of civil liberties and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution for a Department of Homeland Security and a federal policy of spying and incarcerating U.S. citizens for the supposed safe keeping of our nation.  This historic turn of events brings another famous Benjamin Franklin quote to mind, Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

 Fast forward to today.  We’re now staring down yet another war with a Middle Eastern nation in Syria, we’re bombing more nations than we can count with remote controlled drone planes, we’re policing our own skies with remote controlled drone planes, our nation has been declared an active battleground in the war on terrorism in which any U.S. citizen can be arrested and detained if suspected of being a terrorist thanks to National Defense Authorization Act which was signed into law by President Obama on December 31st, 2011, New Year’s eve, when absolutely no one was looking.

Perhaps you’re reading this and wondering what to do with all of this information.  Well, here’s my advice – That is, think for yourself, question authority, especially when authority speaks on a September 11th.  While you’re at that, also revisit this date in history, September 10th, 2001.  On this date, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld disclosed that the Pentagon could not account for 2.3 trillion dollars in expenditures for the year 1999, and 1.1 trillion dollars in expenditures for the year 2000.  He also stated that because 3.4 trillion dollars was lost (that was nearly $12,000 for every living American at the time), the Pentagon was going to have to drastically reduce its budget and become more transparent.  The next day, on September 11th of course, that story was forgotten, the Pentagon had a whole new reason to expand its budget, and an even greater reason to make it less transparent.

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