Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, August 1, 2014

11 33 | Jesus, Yahshua and Jehovah

Yahshua and Jehovah are both words with "33" Gematria, much like the first book in the Bible, Genesis.

  • Yahshua = 7+1+8+1+8+3+1 = 29, reduces to 11
  • Yahshua = 25+1+8+19+8+21+1 = 83
  • Jesus = 1+5+1+3+1 = 11
  • Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
  • 74 and 83 both reduce to 11; 7+4=11; 8+3=11
  • Joshua is the English Translation of Jesus
  • Joshua = 10+15+19+8+21+1 = 74
The word Jehovah is also routinely associated with Jesus, and as being the name of the true God.
  • Jehovah = 1+5+8+6+4+1+8 = 33
  • *Jehovah = 1+5+8+6+22+1+8 = 51
  • Of course Jesus was crucified at "33"

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