Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, August 11, 2014

322 | Thomas Edison, "Wizard of Menlo Park"

When you decode the name Thomas Edison with Gematria, something curious is revealed, much like names ranging from Isaac Newton, to Michael Faraday, to Sigmund Freud to Charles Darwin.
  • Thomas = 2+8+6+4+1+1 = 22
  • Edison = 5+4+9+1+6+5 = 30, reduces to 3
  • Thomas Edison = 22 3
  • 322 is the number for Yale's Skull and Bones
Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847.
  • 2/11/1847 = 2+1+1+1+8+4+7 = 24
  • Notice the year '47
  • And the date, 2/11
Thomas Edison died on October 18, 1931
  • 10/18/1931 = 1+0+1+8+1+9+3+1 = 24
  • Notice the year '31
  • October is the only month with '33' Gematria
  • October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
Thomas Edison died of natural causes in "West Orange" New Jersey, the third state.
  • Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33
Thomas Edison is credited with being one of the greatest inventors and businessman of his time.  The following inventions are all credited to his name; he phonograph, the motion picture camera, and a long-lasting, practical electric light bulb.  Pretty impressive.  Thomas Edison is also credited with creating the first manufacturing research lab to investigate how to increase mass production.  In other words, he should be hated by all those who are employed and deemed unnecessary due to robotics and automated manufacturing lines.

To date, 1,093 patents are held in his name, emphasis on the 93.

In his time on this earth, he had two wives.  As we decode their names, keep in mind that 31-33 are the raining degrees of Freemasonry.  His wives were; Mary Stilwell (m. 1871–84) and Mina Miller (m. 1886–1931).
  • Stilwell = 1+2+9+3+5+5+3+3 = 31
  • Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33
His title Wizard of Menlo Park is also curious.
  • Menlo Park = 4+5+5+3+6+7+1+9+2 = 42
From Thomas Edison to Bill Gates, who ran Microsoft for 33-years before stepping down, the history of frontmen for the Gang of 33 are real.
  • Bill Gates = 2+9+3+3+7+1+2+5+1 = 33
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