Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, August 2, 2014

33 133 | Bill Ruger and Alex Sturm | Thirty-Three and Guns, from NRA to Ruger to Newtown

Bill Ruger and Alex Sturm are credited with creating the brand known today as "Ruger", popular among gun enthusiasts.  As in many things, "33" is central to guns a well, starting with the NRA.
  • NRA = 14+18+1 = 33
  • The next largest gun lobby is located in Newtown, Connecticut
  • Newtown = 5+5+5+2+6+5+5 = 33
The same is true of Ruger.
  • Ruger = 9+3+7+5+9 = 33
The name Bill, common among elites, has a numerology of "17".
  • Bill = 2+9+3+3 = 17
The name Alex Sturm is also curious. Let us decode.
  • Alex = 1+12+5+24 = 42
  • Sturm = 19+20+21+18+13 = 91
  • Alex Sturm = 133
This is a company after all, and the Gematria of a name can be everything.
  • Name = 14+1+13+5 = 33
  • Code Name = 3+6+4+5+5+1+4+5 = 33
  • Company = 3+6+4+7+1+5+7 = 33
It is also a corporation, a word that has much in common with the phrase 'mark of the beast', the Bible Passage in Revelation 7:4, which references the number 144,000- the number of days in a Baktun in the Mayan Calendar System.
  • Corporation = 3+15+18+16+15+18+1+20+9+15+14 = 144
  • Mark of the Beast = 13+1+18+11+15+6+20+8+5+2+5+1+19+20 = 144
  • Revelation 7:4 -Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.
  • The United States gave birth to the corporation
  • The nation's birthday is 7/4
  • The nation claims to be Christian
  • Jesus = 10+5+19+21+19 = 74
  • Cross = 3+18+15+19+19 = 74
Jesus talked of tempt and temptation.  Jesus was crucified at 33, on the cross.
  • Tempt = 20+5+13+16+20 = 74
  • Temptation 20+5+13+16+20+1+20+9+15+14 = 133
Conclusion:  Guns in the United States are part of a very real and ongoing conspiracy that is waged against all sects of society.
  • People = 7+5+6+7+3+5 = 33
  • Person = 7+5+9+1+6+5 = 33
  • Order = 6+9+4+5+9 = 33
  • Society = 1+6+3+9+5+27 = 33
  • Believe = 2+5+3+9+5+4+5 = 33
  • Destiny = 4+5+1+2+9+5+7 = 33
Do you know how many vertebrae we have in our back?  Perhaps that too, is the trademark of our owners, our masters.
  • TM = 20+13 = 33
  • Take a guess... how many vertebrae?

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