Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

33 44 | Condolences for Harold J. Greene

In the death of General Harold J. Greene, two condolences have received major attention from two major generals.
  1. Army Chief of Staff and General Ray Odierno's
    • Ray = 18+1+25 = 44
    • Odierno = 6+4+9+5+9+5+6 = 44
  2. General Martin Dempsey's
    • Dempsey = 4+5+4+7+1+5+7 = 33
    • Martin = 4+1+9+2+9+5 = 30
Strangely enough, the numbers "thirty-three" and "forty-four" are often found around assassinations.  Think of Pope John Paul I, who was Pope for 33-days before being found dead for reasons undisclosed by the Vatican.  Popular rumor is that he was poisoned.  The date of his death was September 28, 1978.
  • 9/28/1978 = 9+2+8+1+9+7+8 = 44
  • 33 day pope, dead on a date with a numerology of "44"
  • Also, 28 in numerology represents complete
  • He was found dead on the 28th day of the 9th month
Am I saying that these generals above murdered Harold J Greene?  No, I am not.  What I am saying is that they might have been required to give these condolences because of the symbolism of their name Gematria.
  • Harold = 8+1+9+6+3+4 = 31
  • J. = 10/1
  • Greene = 7+9+5+5+5+5 = 36
Now let us examine mainstream reporting on these condolences, courtesy of CNN.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno released a condolence statement confirming Greene's death.

"Our thoughts and prayers are with Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene's family, and the families of our soldiers who were injured today in the tragic events that took place in Afghanistan," Odierno said in the statement, referring to other officers who were hurt. 
"These soldiers were professionals, committed to the mission. It is their service and sacrifice that define us as an Army. " 
Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, described the general as a very experienced officer who was a leader in the training command in Afghanistan. He was an expert in infrastructure and logistics, Kirby said. 
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, expressed condolences on his official Facebook page Tuesday night. 
"We serve, and where we serve we are often at risk," he said. "God bless those wounded and killed in Afghanistan yesterday and their families."
In the months that follow, perhaps we will find that the death of Harold Greene was much like the death of Patrick Tillman, who was later found to be assassinated after an initial mainstream media story that he died heroically in combat.  Time will tell.

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