Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, August 9, 2014

33 | James Brady Conspiracy Homicide Confirmed by Police

On the morning of August 4, I decoded the headlines as I normally do and I connected them to the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan and the paralysis that resulted of James Brady, Ronald Reagan's bodyguard.  You can read that post here, which was written hours before it was announced in the mainstream media that James Brady had died that day.  The shooter, 'Hinkley', has a name numerology of '84' and James Brady died on August 4.
  • Hinckley = 8+9+14+3+11+12+5+25 = 87 (Justice, Punish)
  • James Brady murdered August 4, or 8/4 (Obama's 53rd Birthday)
  • James Brady was born August 29, 1940
  • 8/29/1940 = 8+2+9+1+9+4+0 = 33
  • 8/29/1940 = 8+29+19+40 = 96
    • Freemason = 96
    • Satanism = 96
    • Costume = 3+15+19+20+21+13+5 = 96
  • August 4 and August 29 are key dates in the 'Terminator Series'
    • Skynet goes live August 4 and kills half of the world August 29
    • Terminator = 20+5+18+13+9+14+1+20+15+18 = 133 (White House, Government)
    • The film is directed by James 'Cameron'
    • Cameron = 3+1+4+5+9+6+5 = 33
James Brady's death comes 33-years after 1981, when he supposedly saved Ronald Reagan, at 2:27 PM in the afternoon.  Another way to say this time is 33-minutes until 3.  Ronald Reagan was previously the 33rd Governor of California before becoming President and nearly assassinated on March 31, 1981, on Ronald Reagan's 69th day in office.  When I think of 33 and 69, I think of Delaware, the first State- let me show you why.
  • Delaware = 4+5+3+1+5+1+9+5 = 33
  • Delaware = 4+5+12+1+23+1+18+5 = 69
  • Delaware was established December 7, 1787
  • 12/7/1787 = 1+2+7+1+7+8+7 = 33
The point of this information is to see how well rooted this "conspiracy of "33"", based in Gematria and numerology is- it predates the country and dates back to Pythagoras, more than two-thousand years ago.   In this system of Gematria, as created by Pythagoras, where words names and phrases are coded into numbers, Pythagoras called "26" the God Number.
  • The English alphabet is 26 letters
  • God = 7+15+4 = 26
The date of the Reagan assassination was March 31, 1981.
  • 3/31/1981 = 3+3+1+1+9+8+1 = 26
As is the case with the Reagan assassination being all numbers, so is the death of James Brady.  That is why he was shot by a man with an "84 name" and murdered on a date of August 4, 2014- 33 years after his part in the Reagan assassination hoax.  It should also be noted that the "United States of America" sums to 84, much like George Orwell's title 1984.  Barack Hussein Obama's birthday is August 4.  This past August 4, 2014, also happened to the the 9th of Av, the Jewish Holy Day of tragedy.

James Brady, a man who once saved a President, dying on the current President's birthday, seems to be quite the tell as to what the fate of Barack Obama is.  Also keep in mind that he is the "44th President" and the word "kill" equate to 44 in Gematria.
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
Also keep in mind that Julius Caesar was once assassinated in 44 BC.
  • Caesar = 3+1+5+19+1+18 = 47
  • President = 7+9+5+1+9+4+5+5+2 = 47
The first President to die while in office, was the 9th President, William Henry Harrison, who passed on April 4, 1841.  Years later MLK Jr. would be assassinated on April 4, 1968- five years later the World Trade Center would have its grande opening.  Also in 1968, Ford's Theatre reopened for the first time since the assassination of Lincoln.  It should be noted that Abraham Lincoln apparently recorded his journal that he dreamed of being assassinated just ten days before he was shot, on April 4.  Abraham and Obama are both from the "Land of Lincoln".  Also, since conducting this "33" research, I've found that much of it seems to come out of Illinois and Chicago, the city divided into 77 neighborhoods, the number of America.

To wrap this thing up, just remember that when you read todays headlines about James Brady's death being a murder, you can know who did it.  It was the Gang of 33, the real mafia-like organization that runs this world and James Brady was a part of, playing his paralyzed part.

You can read CNN's reporting on this subject right here.  Notice how the spokesman for Washington D.C. is named Bill Miller.
  • Bill = 2+9+3+3 = 17
  • Miller = 4+9+3+3+5+9 = 33
Bill Miller, a spokesman for the U.S. attorney in Washington, said his office is reviewing the medical examiner's findings. He had no further comment.

John Hinckley, the lone gunman who fired the shots that wounded Reagan, Brady, a police officer and a Secret Service agent outside a Washington hotel, was found not guilty by reason of insanity. 
He has spent the ensuing years in a psychiatric hospital. 
Hinckley was charged at the time with assault with intent to kill and assault with a dangerous weapon, and it's unclear if he will face any new counts.

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