Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, February 8, 2015

26 61 | Billy Casper's Death, and the Dean Smith Connection

Big Three = 2+9+7+2+8+9+5+5 = 47
Billy Casper died on the same day Dean Smith did.  That said, these two have more in common in terms of "life numbers" than meets the eye.  Bill Casper was born June 24, 1931, Dean Smith was born February 28, 1931.
  • 6/24/31 = 6+24+31 = 61 (Casper)
  • 2/28/31 = 2+28+31 = 61 (Smith)
  • 6/24/1931 = 6+2+4+1+9+3+1 = 26 (Casper)
  • 2/28/1931 = 2+2+8+1+9+3+1 = 26 (Smith)
    • Casper and Smith died February 7 or 2/7
    • Think of the "27 Club"
His career achievements include being seventh all-time with "51" major wins, and his biggest coming in the year '66.
  • Conspiracy = 3+6+5+1+7+9+9+1+3+7 = 51


  1. Zac I know its in the wrong section... You can post it

    Feb 7th 2015 Winning Numbers = 3 6 15 17 18 35 22

    Reduced 3+6+1+7+1+8+3+5+2+2 = 44

    Jackpot was £7,795,272

    Reduced 7+7+9+5+2+7+2= 39 (13+13+13)

    Barack Obama is the 44th President also the word BEAST is mentioned 44 times in Revelation. The Vatican also sits on 44 Hectares and the word "HOPE" so synonymous with Barack Obama's election manifest has an ordinal English value of 44.

    The Number 39 is heavily associated with the Occult. Genesis 13vs13 contains 13+13+13 when you include thee word count in the verse. KJV (All Modern Bibles are CORRUPT.)

  2. Pagan = 39
    Wicca = 39

    Very good breakdown Frank, this is quite interesting.


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