Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, April 4, 2015

144 666 | Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Programming to Accept Lies

Before decoding 'Easter Bunny', keep in mind that if you sum the first 144 decimal points of Pi, it totals 666.  Both the numbers 144 and 666 are used in Revelation of the Bible.

Mark = 13+1+18+11 = 43
of = 15+6 = 21
the = 20+8+5 = 33
Beast = 2+5+1+19+20 = 47
Mark of the Beast = 144 (Corporation = 3+15+18+16+15+18+1+20+9+15+14 = 144)

Easter = 5+1+19+20+5+18 = 68
Bunny = 2+21+14+14+25 = 76
Easter Bunny = 144

Santa = 19+1+14+20+1 = 55
Claus = 3+12+1+21+19 = 56
Santa Claus = 111
Santa Claus = 666 (English Gematria = Simple English Gematria x 6)


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