Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

33 44 47 133 | 33-Year Old Police Shootings 50-Year Old in South Carolina

Police = 33

A 33-year old Police, Michael T Slager, has shot 50 years old Walter L. Scott.  Let us decode, starting with the cop.
  • Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
  • T = 2
  • Slager = 1+3+1+7+5+9 = 26/35
  • Michael T. Slager = 61/70
  • Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
  • T = 20
  • Slager = 19+12+1+7+5+18 = 62
  • Michael Slager = 113
  • Michael T Slager = 133
Now the Gematria of the victim.
  • Walter = 5+1+3+2+5+9 = 25
  • L = 3
  • Scott = 1+3+6+2+2 = 14/23
  • Walter L Scott = 42/51
  • Walter = 23+1+12+20+5+18 = 79
  • L = 12
  • Scott = 19+3+15+20+20 = 77
  • Walter L Scott = 168
Notice the numbers 33, 42, 113 and 133- all central to the Michael Brown shooting and more.

Making matters more interesting, the shooting occurred on April 4, or 4/4.
  • Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44
  • Forty Four = 6+15+18+20+25+6+15+21+18 = 144
  • April Fourth = 1+16+18+9+12+6+15+21+18+20+8 = 144
Of course, this story was released via the mainstream media on April 7, or 4/7.


  1. Great work! When I read the cop was 33 alarms went off in my head. Thanks for decoding it!

  2. At the press conference they announced murder charges would be brought against the officer. While this announcement was going on, a police officer behind him is giving a masonic sign (like Mercel always does) up high on his chest, so the camera could see it.


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