Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, April 3, 2015

74 77 88 | Shoot 'Anyone Breathing' Headlines

This is what happens when Zionist Jews & Freemasons are left to write the headlines.
  • Anyone = 1+5+7+6+5+5 = 29
  • Breathing = 2+9+5+1+2+8+9+5+7 = 48
  • Anyone Breathing = 77
  • Anyone = 1+14+25+15+14+5 = 74
  • Breathing = 2+18+5+1+20+8+9+14+7 = 84
  • Anyone Breathing = 158
Isn't it fun how they build these fake, made for television soap operas with each passing day?  If anything is proven, it is that people will sellout across the globe for money.


  1. It's so obvious, did you see Hellen Titus or whatever her name is? She watched 40 of her classmates being executed and only survived because she smeared their blood all over herself and played dead. She was not effected or traumatized and seemed happy to be on tv. How can people believe this is real?

  2. Great points Josh, Hellen Titus = 46/55


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