Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, April 6, 2015

11 | Dikembe Mutombo Leads 11-Members into the Hall (33) of Fame

True story truth seeker, I was at Dikembe Mutumbo's last NBA Game.  I still remember the scream he let out when Greg Oden and him tangled going for a rebound in the Western Conference Playoffs.  That was his last moment playing on the court for his now "Hall of Fame" career.
  • Hall = 8+1+12+12 = 33
  • of = 15+6 = 21
  • Fame = 6+1+13+5 = 25
  • Hall of Fame = 79
Did someone say '33' of Fame?
Now Dikembe, who wore 55, the same year the NBA introduced the MVP.
  • Dikembe = 4+9+2+5+4+2+5 = 31/40
  • Mutombo = 4+3+2+6+4+2+6 = 27
  • Dikembe Mutombo = 58/67 (Satanic = 67)
Dikembe was born June 25, 1966, the same day and month as George Orwell.
  • 6/25 = 31 (Dikembe = 31)
  • 6/25/66 = 6+25+66 = 97 (Hall of Fame = 79)
  • 6/26/1966 = 6+2+5+1+9+6+6 = 35
    • Church of Satan established in '66

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