Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 27, 2015

33 38 44 77 113 133 | Planned Parenthood Shootout Hoax of November 27, 2015

PP = 16 16 or 7 7
PP for Planned Parenthood

Notice the tweet time of 1:14 and how nicely it synchs up with the Gematria of 114 for 'Shootout at Planned Parenthood'.

It is interesting to note that the 114th Congress has been doing a lot of work around 'Planned Parenthood'.  This story seems to the perfect way to bring up two major mainstream distractions at once, those being false shooting hoaxes and more Planned Parenthood related news.

Notice the officer's name, Lt. Catherine Buckley.

Lt. = 3+2 = 5
Catherine = 3+1+2+8+5+9+9+5+5 = 47 (Black Friday = 47)
Buckley = 2+3+3+2+3+5+7 = 25
Lt. Catherine Buckley = 77 (Colorado Springs = 77)
Catherine Buckley = 72

Lt. = 12+20 = 32
Catherine = 3+1+20+8+5+18+9+14+5 = 83
Buckley = 2+21+3+11+12+5+25 = 79
Lt. Catherine Buckley = 194
Catherine Buckley = 162

Also notice the CNN coverage at 1:33.  This time ties in with the name of the location.

Colorado = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6 = 38
Springs = 1+7+9+9+5+7+1 = 39/48/57
Colorado = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6 = 38
Colorado Springs, Colorado = 115/124/133
Government = 133
White House = 133
Planned Parenthood big political issue...
Washington D.C. is on the 77th Meridian

You know, just another coincidence.

The 11:22 tweet time is also class from the 'police'.

Police = 7+6+3+9+3+5 = 33
11+22 = 33

If you can believe it, the shooting began at 11:30, a very predictable time for these types of occurrences.

Mainstream = 113; Dishonest = 113; Green Screen = 113


  1. The 77 for Planned Parenthood initials reminds me of yesterday's White House fence jumper in Washington, DC on 77th parallel.

    1. Oh and 77 for Colorado Springs.

    2. Also this occurs 14 days after the Paris shootings.
      Thanks for your response Zach!

  2. 9/11/2015 to 11/27/2015 is 77 days.


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