Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

33 47 50 74 77 137 142 144 | Lamb Sacrifice for Man Found On Freeway Sign 5-Days Later

First, the victim's name.

Richard = 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 = 43
Pananian = 7+1+5+1+5+9+1+5 = 34
Richard Pananian = 77 (5) (Green Bay = 77) (Broncos made playoffs first time in '77)

Richard = 18+9+3+8+1+18+4 = 61
Pananian = 16+1+14+1+14+9+1+14 = 70
Richard Pananian = 131 (5) (Super Bowl = 131)

This story appears to have much to do with upcoming Super Bowl 50, I will discuss more at end.  For now, notice the Gematria in common with Super Bowl and the name of the victim.

Next, the cousin's, who has the curious last name of 'Kardashian'.  Is he related?

Armen = 1+9+4+5+5 = 24
Kardashian = 2+1+9+4+1+1+8+9+1+5 = 41/50 (5) (Broncos) (Super Bowl)
Arman Kardashian = 65/74 (Knights Templar, Masonic)

Armen = 1+18+13+5+14 = 51
Kardashian = 11+1+18+4+1+19+8+9+1+14 = 86 (5) (Broncos) (Deflate Gate)
Armen Kardashian = 137 (137 is the 33rd Prime Number)

Notice also the 'lamb sacrifice', or 'Matagh' of October 25, 2015.

Matagh = 4+1+2+1+7+8 = 23 (5)
Matagh = 13+1+20+1+7+8 = 50 (5)

10/25/15 = 10+25+15 = 50 (5) (There's a lot of '5 & 50' in this story of a wreck on I-5)
10/25/2015 = 10+25+20+15 = 70
10/25/2015 = 10+25+(2+0+1+5) = 43
10/25/2015 = 1+0+2+5+2+0+1+5 = 16 (Sixteen = 1+9+6+2+5+5+5 = 33/42)

134 is often coded around death, but the meaning alludes me
Notice his new job, 'Glendale Collision Center', fitting for a story of a car collision.

Glendale = 7+3+5+5+4+1+3+5 = 33
Collision = 3+6+3+3+9+1+9+6+5 = 45/54
Center = 3+5+5+2+5+9 = 29
Collision Center = 74/83
Glendale Collision Center = 107/116 (911 upside down)

His 'Ford Fiesta' 'rear ended' a 'pickup truck'.

Ford = 6+6+9+4 = 25
Fiesta = 6+9+5+1+2+1 = 24/33
Ford Fiesta = 49/58 (Freemasonry)

Ford = 6+15+18+4 = 43
Fiesta = 6+9+5+19+20+1 = 60
Ford Fiesta = 103

Rear = 9+5+1+9 = 24
Ended = 5+5+4+5+4 = 23
Rear Ended = 47 (Mafia)

Rear = 18+5+1+18 = 42
Ended = 5+14+4+5+4 = 32
Rear Ended = 74 (Masonic)

Pickup = 7+9+3+2+3+7 = 31
Truck = 2+9+3+3+2 = 19
Pickup Truck = 50 (5)

Pickup = 16+9+3+11+21+16 = 76
Truck = 20+18+21+3+11 = 73
Pickup Truck = 149 (5) (Skull and Bones)

The officer's name is also interesting.

Officer = 6+6+6+9+3+5+9 = 44
Edgar = 5+4+7+1+9 = 26
Figueroa = 6+9+7+3+5+9+6+1 = 46
Officer Figueroa = 90 (Ninety = 33) (Police = 33)
Officer Edgar Figueroa = 116 (911 upside down)

Officer = 15+6+6+9+3+5+18 = 62
Edgar = 5+4+7+1+18 = 35
Figueroa = 6+9+7+21+5+18+15+1 = 82
Officer Figueroa = 144 (Last year both teams came into SB 14-4, Glendale, Arizona = 144)
Officer Edgar Figueroa = 179

Colorado = 3+6+3+6+9+1+4+6 = 38 (Colorado, 38th State)
Street = 1+2+9+5+5+2 = 24/33
Colorado Street = 62/71

Colorado = 3+15+12+15+18+1+4+15 = 83 (Football = 83)
Street = 19+20+18+5+5+20 = 87
Colorado Street = 170

The wreck happened at Exit 142...

Conclusion:  Most hoax-a-licious story ever.

The family of the man who didn't wear his seat belt, and was supposedly ejected onto a freeway sign, on I-5, is now trying to raise $50,000?  Something tells me this story has to do with Super Bowl 50.  Recall, Super Bowl 49 was hosted in Glendale, Arizona- this story is set in Glendale, California.  This year, the 49ers are hosting Super Bowl 50... As I have shown many times before, mainstream stories seem to often be big clues for major sporting events, I expect the same is true here.

From the decoding above, be sure to notice all the 5 and 50 hidden within the story.


  1. Lamb Sacrifice =101. Bizarre Freeway Death =101. And it's 101 days between the incident and Super Bowl 50.


    If we connect 11s with the insanely coded #50 we get the date November 11th, which leaves 50 days remaining in the year. 11/11/15 =37. ELEVENTH =37. LOS ANGELES =37. FIVE DAYS =37. ARMEN KARDASHIAN =137. 11/11/2015 =57. FIVE DAYS LATER =57. THIRTY-SEVEN =57. COINCIDENCE =57.

    I went all out and got plenty more gems for us:

    1. Damn Extra Capsa - Thats like the Comment of the Year!

      Zach did a marvelous job breaking down that story, and his coined phrase is well used indeed - Hoax-a-Licious!

      Hoaxalicious Story =1404.

  2. You're making everyday the 4th of July. Great work. I wanted you to see the Super Bowl connection

  3. What lamb will be sacrificed ... Year of the sheep... There are four quarterbacks who are born year of the lamb.. Cardinals browns saints and raiders....

  4. Super Bowl 37 bucs defeat raiders by the score 48 -21. Derek Carr born year of lamb .. Game played on west coast


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