Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 1, 2015

42 | How they might pick Military Bases to show in Sports Events

During the 111th World Series in NYC, U.S. Forces are shown at Bagram Airfield.

NYC = 14+25+3 = 42
Bagram = 2+1+7+18+1+13 = 42

Mindless military support is one of the main cultural programming ingredients of every professional sports game.


  1. How'd ya like that 3rd pitch HR by #3 Granderson? :-)

  2. On the subject of 42; this number has been bandied about in relation to the Kids Company charity controversy in Britain:
    "Overall, the NAO reports, Kids Company was given at least £42 million ($64 million) in grants by the government,"
    "The money used to prop up the charity had an impact elsewhere: in 2008, it received 20 per cent of all the grant funding available from the DfE – leaving the rest to be split among 42 other charities."

    "Taylor Swift faces $42m lawsuit over Shake It Off"


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