Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

16 64 105 | 'One for the record books', NE storm & Air Force One headlines

Why Air Force One?  I'm reminded of how in the FOX TV show 24, which has had a lot of predictive programming, the President dies in a plane crash.

One = 6+5+5 = 16
for = 6+6+9 = 21
the = 2+8+5 = 15
record = 9+5+3+6+9+4 = 36
books = 2+6+6+2+1 = 17/26
One for the record books = 105/114

Air = 1+9+18 = 28
Force = 6+15+18+3+5 = 47
One = 15+14+5 = 34
Air Force One = 109

Air Force = 1+9+9 = 19
Force = 6+6+9+3+5 = 29
One = 6+5+5 = 16
Air Force One = 64

Barack = 2+1+9+1+3+2 = 18
Hussein = 8+3+1+1+5+9+5 = 32
Obama = 6+2+1+4+1 = 14
Barack Hussein Obama = 64

Barack = 2+1+18+1+3+11 = 36
Hussein = 8+21+19+19+5+9+14 = 95
Obama = 15+2+1+13+1 = 32
Barack Hussein Obama = 163

They have been hyping this storm in a very strange way.

1 comment:

  1. Re: 1922 -- Why would a theater be full of people after a 28 inch snow had "paralyzed the city"? (Especially back when they didn't clear the roads ...)
    Nice "proof" on the wiki page: pic of (new-looking) headstone, 3 clovers on the left, 3 on the right (33); No Birthdate, but says "Musician Died Jan 28, 1922 Knickerbocker Theater Disaster". Across the top, in large letters: TRACY Underneath that: William Tracy ... As in "DICK TRACY" -- comic strip character & owner of the first "smart watch"! Lol

    BUT: you might consider checking out the wiki page for: MOSES J. YELLOW HORSE, (1st American Indian baseball player - Chester Gould, creator of Dick TRACY, named a character after him -- because they'd both been born on the Pawnee reservation in OK) -- it has a lot of stats ... But even though he played til 1926, wiki ONLY SHOWS 1921 & 1922.

    Why might that be worth a look?

    Because Yellow Horse was born: JAN 28, 1898
    His wiki stats end with 1922
    The Knickerbocker Storm referenced in the news: JAN 28, 1922
    The odd pic on the storm's wiki page, with the "3 3" code shown (clovers on L & R)

    I didn't consider a tie-in with sports til I got curious about Dick Tracy. But what are the odds? That the "KTD" in DC would occur on the SAME date (1/28 -- or 1 10) as the birthdate of an OK sports figure, honored by the creator of a character who has the SAME name as the (fraudulent-looking) tombstone on the wiki page for the "KTD" in DC ? Knickerbocker Theater Disaster = KTD
    KTD = 11, 20, 4 or 2 2 4 , 44 (Bacon): 37, 46, 30 = 10, 10, 30 = 1 1 3

    [ I'm not saying NOTHING happened at the theater, but I DO think it's possible that the event has been exaggerated & the numbers manipulated -- & that it's being mentioned in the news SPECIFICALLY TO CONVEY A MESSAGE.

    Wiki's lists: (factor in unhurt, & this is a LOT of people to be out at 9 pm (2100 hrs)
    -- on a night "paralyzed" by 28 in. of snow (on the 28th)
    98 killed ; 133 injured = 231 casualties (aka: 2+1=3, = 3 3 )

    The PILLARS show up when you "DON'T carry the 1's" (As in ancient times ...)
    98 + 133 == (1) ; 9+3 = (12) ; 8+3 = (11) == 1, 12, 11 == 11 2 11 aka 2 2 2

    { I know "finding the pillars" sounds different ... But it IS legit ... One of the 'number tricks' my (Jewish) best friend got in trouble for teaching me when we were kids. Her (building contractor) dad would "play with numbers" for hours ... Then later we'd dig through the trash in his study, & she'd show me what he'd taught her. Too bad it took it me so long to realize how IMPORTANT that all was!} ;D :D


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