Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 18, 2016

18 27 | Peyton Manning's Playoff History, and the Numerological Alignment of a Super Bowl 50 Appearance

Notice that Manning played in 19-playoff games for the Indianapolis Colts.

On March 21, 2012, he signed with the Denver Broncos.  Again, John Elway was drafted #1 overall out of Stanford by the Baltimore Colts.  Andrew Luck was drafted #1 by the Colts, coming out of Stanford, causing Manning to transition to the Broncos, playing under Elway.

March 21, in 2012, a leap year, was the 81st day of the year
Manning wears the #18
This is his 18th season

After winning the Divisional Round Playoff game against the Steelers, Manning has now completed 6 playoff games with the Denver.  If he wins in the Conference Championship, he will play in his eighth playoff game with the Broncos in Super Bowl 50.  This will be the 27th playoff game of his career, should it happen, falling on February 7, 2016, emphasis on 2/7, for his 27th playoff game.

2/7/2016 = 2+7+2+0+1+6 = 18 (27th playoff game on 2/7)
Manning's 18th season, and probably last
Manning wears the #18

The only question becomes, will he win or lose in the Super Bowl, should he make it there?  If history tells us anything, Manning is known for choking in the big game, and it might be a fitting way for him to exit the football stage, with one final big L for the record books.  "Epic comeback starts right here", then the whiff.

Also, like I said in the National Championship, the "orange" team typically goes down, and that would make perfect sense this year, with Clemson losing in the College Championship, and Big Orange losing in the Super Bowl.  There's also the perfect alignment for 2-4 for Elway in Super Bowls, going down in San Francisco after going down 55-10 in Super Bowl 49.

Orange = 6+9+1+5+7+5 = 33


  1. Zach two more people dead one from the eagles at 67 and another WWE guy at 64.!/topic?query=Mike%20Sharpe&topicID=111935242156547&isTrending=1&source=news_dashboard&position=4&ref=bookmarks

    1. Why do you try to feed me information while discrediting me at the same time? Are you bi-polar? Psychotic? Crazy? What's going on behind that keyboard?


  2. You're no nostradomus but I appreciate the work you do

    1. Nostradomus was in fact a real person because he predicted events 500 years into the future using the stars and planets. I like how you use numerology but nostradomus die it better since stars and planets can't be influenced by man, while numbers can. That's why you're close but no cigar. Good effort though.

    2. according to zach, judas iscariot never existed lmao

      everyone he's never personally seen or met doesn't exist


      JUDAS ISCARIOT = 149


      it's like poetry written in the numbers. Now I'm even more skeptical than ever about this "zachary" character.. I doubt that's his real name. I mean what are the chances his name has the same gematria as judas iscariot?

    3. Lol Truth in plain site he calls out Dubay but nobody says nothing about his own name.

    4. 149 also goes with Skull& Bones.
      Dave Johnson's video of Zach being Josh Greenberg is convincing since it was most likely a hoax take out the "e" put a u and you get Zachary Hubbard what are the Chances of that? Now we have a boatload of coincidences of course Zach himself doesn't buy Coincidence. I'm sure Skull & Bones doesn't exist either LOL. We know why he doesn't buy the Bible. Revelation 2:9 "For those that say they are Jews and are not are of the Synagogue of SATAN.

      Another coincidence is Zach saying "We are all unknowing Satanists"

      Throwing up the Pryamid sign and 666 Sign while his TV showed a Lightning Bolt.

      So many coincidences of course Zach never explained anything or told us why the Earth is on a Globe with 66.6 Horizontal.

      Maybe a Gate Keeper?

  3. I think he either loses or 17 comes in and wins, either way PeyPey loses.

    1. I would agree with that. If PayPey wins... he's gonna need help. :-)

    2. :-) couldn't resist that one... :-)

    3. I think if we pay attention to the sports news on these two teams this week, we'll get the answer.
      Last week it was the NE guy who was supposedly smoking synthetic marijuana. That story was for people to bet against Patriots but, they won!
      If the Manning HGH story revs up this week, I'd say a Broncos win is guaranteed.
      If its a negative story on NE then, I'd say a Patriot win.

  4. Either he loses SB or the football gods will expose the truth about HGH,Everyone was made to believe Jordan retired,he was forced out due to gambling

  5. Either he loses SB or the football gods will expose the truth about HGH,Everyone was made to believe Jordan retired,he was forced out due to gambling

  6. Oh it hot in here?

    The Heat is On---124

    1. Planned Death---Thats a big 104...make it plural...123

  7. Ok so the Broncos are already 2/4 in superbowls they also lost Super Bowl 48 not 49 as stated, the numbers are interesting but you made a prediction for every possible scenario so how could you be wrong? It makes me question your theories it's easy to say the Broncos are going to play the Panthers and then say the panthers will play the patriots and then even throw in the cardinals


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