Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 18, 2016

33 44 98 132 | Warriors Sweep Cavs in 2015-16 with 2014-15 NBA Finals Tribute +Cancer Tribute???

King James = 44
Warriors in 44th season in Golden State
Warriors began season chasing the 44-year NBA record of 33 consecutive wins
Jerry West = 44 (Was on the 33-win team, logo of the NBA)
Jerry West wore #44

Notice the Cavs lost with 98 points, and also notice the ESPN ticker above, with '44 seconds'.

Last year, in the NBA Finals, the Warriors and Cavs went to overtime in Game 1, with a score of 98-98, playing 98-days after last meeting in the regular season, February 26, 2015.  In that game, LeBron James scored 44-points, with his 44th points being forced at the end of the game, to fit the numerological script.

King James = 35/44/89
Lupercalia = 44/98
Cleveland was in their 44th season last year
*The Warriors are in their 44th year of being in Golden State this season...

Lupercalia is the festival from the 44th day of the year.  The NBA Finals began 111-days after Lupercalia last year.

The NBA Finals = 111 (666, English Gematria)
Lupercalia, 111-days before start of the NBA Finals

What also stands out about tonight's game, is Golden State's score of 132 points.  It shares a relationship to '44' through the word 'Cancer', and in the past week, there have been a lot of 'cancer' news stories and deaths.

Chemo = 3+8+5+13+15 = 44
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

Today's game came on January 18, or 1/18.  This is a date connected to 'death', just like 'cancer'.

Curry had a game high of 35-points, and again, King James has gematria of 35.  Earlier this year, its as said that Curry surpassed James as the star of the league.

Recall these teams met earlier on December 25, 2015, Christmas Day.  The warrior won that game as well, 3 weeks and 3 days ago.

On Christmas Day, King James went down to the Warriors, who won with 89-points.

King James = 35/44 (Warriors in 44th year of being in Golden State)
King James = 89


  1. Do you see these teams playing each other in the NBA finals? If so who do you think wins?

  2. Dear Zachary,

    Please allow me to make a contribution regarding Power Numbers.

    The Power Numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44 and 55.

    Each represents the super-powered version of it's sum, so 11 is a hyper-powered 2 (duality), 22 is a hyper-powered 4 (industry), 33 is a hyper-powered 6 (lust), 44 is a hyper-powered 8 (megalomania). 55, of course, is the number that Satan sums to, the number denoting Ordinal Perfection (He is the Great Quantifier, after all ...).

    So, the principle reason that Freemasons love 33 so much is that it sums to Six, the number of the Devil, the source of their knowledge and power.

    Also please consider the Sun Square, which is comprised of all the numbers 1 through 36, which when added together total 666. The 36 numbers are arranged in such a way that each column of six numbers add to 111 or 1/6th of 666. Every number becomes part of a square or rectangle of four numbers which total 74. In several ancient religions 74 and 666 were interchangeable as the Solar and Sacred numbers.

    When Sir Francis Bacon devised the structure of the KJV, he added letters to and set in order the letters of the English alphabet and formulated the names associated with Christianity in the English language, it was done in conformity to the ancient Satanic number canon.

    I highly recommend looking into Bacon's Shakespeare codes, especially the Sonnets grid, which spells THE WISE THOTH. My theory is that the mysterious W.H. is Hu Wa, the Sufi word for God (Sheik Zbir).


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