Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

39 41 111 666 | Google Doodle tribute to Cinderella author, Frenchman, Charles Perrault

Charles = 3+8+1+9+3+5+1 = 30/39
Perrault = 7+5+9+9+1+3+3+2 = 39
Charles Perrault = 69/78

Charles = 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66
Perrault = 16+5+18+18+1+21+12+20 = 111 (666, English Gematria)
Charles Perrault = 177

1/12/1628 = 1+12+16+28 = 57
1/12/1628 = 1+12+(1+6+2+8) = 31
1/12/1628 = 1+1+2+1+6+2+8 = 21
1/12/28 = 1+12+28 = 41

5/16/1703 = 5+16+17+03 = 41
5/16/1703 = 5+16+(1+7+0+3) = 32
5/16/1703 = 5+1+6+1+7+0+3 = 23
5/16/03 = 5+16+03 = 24

Notice the stories Charles is credited with, some of the most famous of our lives.

Cinderella = 3+9+5+4+5+9+5+3+3+1 = 47
Cinderella = 3+9+14+4+5+18+5+12+12+1 = 83


  1. Netflix series House of Cards, Season 4, premiers this upcoming March 4th; the 64th day of 2016.

    House of Cards, Season Four = 96 = Freemason

    House of Cards, Season Four Premier = 351/144

    Sixty-Fourth Day = 71 (Seventy-One = 144)

    3/4/2016 = 3 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 16

    Sixteen = 33/42~S (Masonry = 33; Freemason = 42)

    One-Six = 86/32/41~S (Republic = 86; America = 32; USA = 41)

    3/4/16 = 3 + 4 + 16 = 23

    Twenty-Three = 55 (Numerology = 55; Sum of 1-10 = 55)

    Two-Three = 114/42 (Freemason = 42; World War = 114 ~ Current United States Congress is the 114th)

    3/4/2016 = 3 + 4 + 20 + 16 = 43 (March = 43; March 4th ~ Written 4/3 Internationally)

    Forty-Three = 140/59 (Evil Nations = 140; Sixty-Fourth = 59; March 4 ~ 64th day of 2016)

    Four-Three = 116/53 (House of Cards = 53; One-Hundred-Sixteen = 96; One-Hundred and Sixteen = 223)

    There’s something else very interesting about 3/4, falling on the 64th day of this year. Also remember the show premiering on this date, is about the political stage, within our Masonic Republic.

    March Four = 49 = Sixty-Four

    March Fourth = 59 = Sixty-Forth

    March the Forth = 74 = Masonic (America’s Birthday celebrated on 7/4; July Fourth = 156 = Thirty-Three)

    The Forth of March = 86 = Republic (Triangle = 86 = Pyramid ~ Think about the backside of the US Dollar)

    Case Closed = 86/32/50 (Citizen = 86; America = 50/32)

    I Rest My Case = 137/47 (137; 33rd Prime Number)

    End of Story = 141 = Did I Earn a Reader Contribution?


    1. Impressive! I need to go back and watch season 2, 3 and 4. That show has gems.

    2. Nice one. Haven't seen this show but may have to check it out for the subtext. I was just thinking about 4/3 and 64 as connected to Obama the 43rd man elected prez and while reading this got flashed an update that Rams are moving to LA. LA RAMS =64.

      March Forth = 56/110. Same as President =56/110. The thing about March 4th is it was the date that Presidential inaugurations happened on, until the switch to 1/20. Why January 20th? PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION =120. Like 1/20. CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES =120.

      PUSS IN BOOTS =43. Is that Obama coding? The pussy leo? Puss In Boots =781, the mirror of 187/1122. Puss in Boots =1014. President of the United States =114. Holographic President =114. Barry Bush =114.

    3. It's coded in every possible way one can imagine. I find myself pausing so much to decode, it takes me double the time to watch it.

    4. Good thinking Brother Berg!

      March 4th, is quite the day historically speaking. It's also the day after March 3rd, or 3/3; and don't forget that Civil War = 43 = Massacre.

    5. Oops, I keep making mistakes today. In my original post, I meant to say "March the Fourth" and "The Fourth of March". The Gematria is still 100% correct though; I just had a couple typos. Note to self; I need to proofread next time.

  2. I am actually watching Lost again, and man, being awake to this and watching it is insane. Its kinda the Bible backwards, working on that theory anyway, like Humans creatung Heaven. Anyhow, once I saw that LOST was 66, I chuckled.

    1. Don't you find yourself decoding everything now?

    2. It takes me 3-4 hours to get through a movie these days haha. Sometimes 3-4 days in research instalments.

    3. I know right. That's why I have to watch things by myself now. People get mad when I keep telling them to pause or rewind.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Decoding eases the mind. It can probably make you nuts too. Don't count your footsteps!

    6. I wish there was a thumbs-up option on here. Hilarious!

    7. Its obvious JJ and the LOST crew know what's up....

      James Ford----91----Sawyer-----Mirror

    8. Quite tired, but I'll rip the show up tomorrow for kicks and wiggles.


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