Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

45 53 57 | 'In Tom We Trust, Deflate the Hate' T-Shirt (Do not order)

Tom Brady was the 199th pick in the '00 Draft.  See the '99' in light of New England having Gematria of 99?

Also, this year's Super Bowl, Super Bowl 50, the season of "Deflate Gate", will be held on a date with '45 numerology', also matching New England.

2/7/2016 = 2+7+20+16 = 45

What stands out is the gematria of '53', in the year of deflate gate.  The t-shirt also has a 'religion' about it, with the 'In Tom we trust', instead of 'In God we trust'.

Deflate = 4+5+6+12+1+20+5 = 53 (53-man roster in NFL)
Religion = 9+5+3+9+7+9+6+5 = 53

The gematria of '57' connects to 'Super Bowl' and 'Championship'.  What a t-shirt.


  1. Chris Harris Jr (Broncoc) was on Sportscenter and out of the blue, the ESPN guy asks him at the end about what movie he would recommend to see right now.
    "The Revenant" came the answer.
    Then follow up question... "If you're in a fight with a bear... who wins?"
    Chris Harris says, "I'm gonna win".

    1. Bears and Cancer and 69, all the same meaning I am discovering.

    2. Is it another reference to '85 Bears??

    3. Not sure. But even all those Bear references are strange.

  2. Love how that Football Illuminates the Iris

  3. The images on that Shirt blow my mind. Simply mocking those that see and thousands will buy that pathetic shirt and continue to support the evil POS elite that have enslaved them. Oh the ignorance that 1 has to deal with daily

    1. Then again, look at all the people chasing money with the same symbols all over it...

  4. The images on that Shirt blow my mind. Simply mocking those that see and thousands will buy that pathetic shirt and continue to support the evil POS elite that have enslaved them. Oh the ignorance that 1 has to deal with daily

  5. Freemasons and Illuminati DEFINITELY CONFIRMED. For the 1000x time.

    1. How sad is it that people eat this crap up..... Good work Zach.

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