Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 17, 2016

93 | Reader Contribution, 'Sunny' and the Distance of the Sun from the Earth

I can't believe I never caught that before!  Also, let us not forget the 'Jehovah' and 'The Sun' metaphor.

Jehovah = 1+5+8+6+4+1+8 = 33
The Sun = 2+8+5+1/10+3+5 = 24/33
Saviour = 1+1+4+9+6+3+9 = 33
Jesus, crucified at '33'?

What do they call 'Jesus on the Cross' again?

Crucifix = 3+18+21+3+9+6+9+24 = 93

That's not a crucifix, that's "Sunny", the 'son' of God!

Sunny = 19+21+14+14+25 = 93
Sun, 93 million miles away?


  1. 93 is also known as the "number of Thelema".


    "It is common for Thelemites to greet each other with "93" in person as well as in the opening and closing of written correspondence. This custom derives from Aleister Crowley's guideline that Thelemites should greet each other with the Law of Thelema by saying "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." Since saying the entire Law can be cumbersome, using 93 has become a kind of shorthand.

    In informal written correspondence, one often finds the number singularly at the head of a letter, representing "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" and in the form "93 93/93" at the end, which stands for "Love is the law, love under will." Crowley often used this form himself within his own letters.


    Additionally, the number 9 represents the number of base consciousness: 6+6+6= 18 = 1+8= 9

    And the number 3 represents the trinity / God
    1+1+1= 3

    Thusly, the number "93" represents the "ascension" of the Thelemite initiate from 9 to 3

    See also:

    Mark Passio on the Pyramid with All-Seeing Eye Symbol + 777, 666 and 93 Explained

    This explains why the crooked masonic luciferian twats have brainwashed people into thinking that the sun really huge and is 93 million miles away.

    It's not that far or that big.

    The number of Thelema connection also explains why there was a (fictitious) Flight 93 with 44 passengers on 9/11.

    1. Oh yes, I have a lot of work on Thelema.
      Saturn = 19+1+20+21+18+14 = 93

    2. You know it, brother ;-)

      Keep up the Great Work, Zach!

      Cheers :-)


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