Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 18, 2016

Reader Contribution | Football, Ass Fucking & Stealing from the People (+Super Bowl 47's 22/33 Minute Blackout)

You can't deny it, when you see the truth, you realize you've been fucked in the ass, in a number of ways, your whole life.  This reader, who makes regular contributions on the video channel, says all things boil down to "ass fucking".  I think he is right.


  1. Lol. That hasld to take a minute to write.

  2. I wonder what this guy thinks about the BBC...

  3. Off topic.....

    but you know the show "60 minutes"???

    after seeing the "60" it made me wonder if the word "minutes" equals 66.....

    sure enough, the word "minutes" = 606

    so "60 minutes" = 60606 (666)

  4. Second = 19+5+3+15+14+4 = 60
    60 seconds in a minute...
    Lots of interesting things with time...
    Good work.

    1. thanks....

      kind of makes you wonder doesn't it?...

      all these 6's and 666's surrounding time...

      What if clocks and time are some kind of ritual tool to kill people faster?.....

      also this post reminds me of something i read a long time ago.......

      "Since God is omnipresent, God can also be found in-between the numbers 10, 0 and -10. Here's the reason why Masons love the numbers 3 and 9:
      If I divide the number 10 by the number 3, I have: 3.3333333333
      If I divide the number 10 by the number 9, I have: 1.111111111111
      See the pattern?
      All these non-terminating decimals represent the infinity found within the finite world, as they are unending, and will continue to repeat themselves forever. These finite numbers (3 and 9) are yet eternal, because God never leaves beings who are marked by the number 3 or 9. God's children (Christ) are finite beings who can never leave the glory of God, and this is who Freemasons aspire to become. Contrary to popular belief, masons are not trying to become God, but God's perfect children. Freemasons, so blinded with envy-based hatred of God's children, will not only decieve as many of us as possible, but they will also refuse Christ's invitation to become one of God's children when they return!
      Now look at the number 6:
      If I divide the number 10 by the number 6, I have: 1.66666667
      When God enters beings marked by the number 6, God leaves when it rounds into 7. The number 6 is not eternal. Six is also the number of man, which is why we experience death and famine. In Genesis, God created the world in six days, and rested on the seventh. God is essentially resting after the completion of the number 6 (it's no longer infinite), because those marked by the number six have distanced themselves from God.
      The number 6 represents the goal of freemasonry, to be "God of the Earth" by distancing the public from the real God (who is seemingly "at rest" in the modern world). The Freemasons want us to believe that God can become a man (Jesus Christ), when the truth of the matter is that the Anti-Christ is a man simply pretending to be God. The Real Christ will claim only to be God's word, they will not claim to be God. Likewise, God's children are the ones who created the humans that we are.
      So what is God's number? The number 10
      God's people are marked by which numbers? 3 and 9
      Satan's people are marked by which numbers? 2, 4, 6 (but 6 most importantly)"

  5. This post is legit! Basketball is also based in ritualistic sex magik, watch Michael Jordan Illuminati by Truthriacy, that shit was taken down 2 times still has 100ks of views, the is a reason we call it "having a ball"


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