Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Three days of 5K+ blog traffic, I'm astonished

For the longest time, I got around 1,000 views a day, then it made  rapid jump to 2,000, where it stayed for a very long time.  Then it has slowly climbed to closer to 3k, but never as high as 4,000.  Now, three days in a row, over 5,000?  This is another Google operation, so who knows if these stats are accurate either.  Anyhow, thank you again, it is good to see people reading!  Apparently my blog is now doing better than my video channel!


  1. Yeeeeah! Congrats brother, almost at the one million celebration! The truth is catching on and the momentum is building.

  2. Either that or its paid operatives viewing it to see how close you are to the actual truth. Just look at all the hate you get on your sports are rigged videos.

  3. Either that or its paid operatives viewing it to see how close you are to the actual truth. Just look at all the hate you get on your sports are rigged videos.

  4. I didn't post very much today, that is also why it is surprising.

  5. Congrats man!!
    Its not before time either.

  6. should try TEST TUBE as a adjunct to CLONE and you will get very curious gematria. Also...I followed up on some of your hoaxes and found some very startling results. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were not NUKED...they were firebombed and later photographed as nuked.NO ATOMIC BOMB was ever made and if it was....the bomb would have been harmless with no radiation and it's labelled as the IMPOSSIBLE BOMB. JFK didn't evidence shows that there was a dummy in place of JFK. Also I researched the dinosaur hoax and it was revealed that no dinosaurs have ever roamed this earth. There's also video evidence that the Jews were threated humanly by the Germans. Thanks for all that you do....I learned from the master.

    1. Your findings are in synch with mine! Thank you for the research and feedback, good to hear from you!

    2. Divine Skeptic, are you for real? You saying that 9 million Jews weren't murdered by the Nazis? That's crazy talk. Zachary, I never figured you for a Holocaust denier.

    3. Zionism = 105
      Zyklon B = 105
      Alex Jones = 105
      Info Wars = 105
      Nine Eleven = 105
      etc ..

    4. When the Holohoax sign at Auschwitz first went up it said 4 million souls died here. Today it says 1.5 million souls died here. Even they can't justify their ridiculous numbers anymore. The real holocaust was in Dresden Germany.

  7. Not tryin' to take the credit or nuthin', but I have posted one of your YouTube videos on NFL corruption on several football forums in the UK.


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