Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Water crisis in Flint, MI receiving national attention

Where's Michael Moore?


  1. Zach are you 100% sure the patriots will be in the superbowl?

    1. Listen to the last 3 minutes of part 4 of my videos, I talk about it there. I'm going to be doing another video on the Broncos. I know why people are mad. I don't blame them.

    2. My dad said the superbowl is going to be patriots, panthers;but he doesn't know the nfl is rigged. He also wants the panthers to win.

  2. Just asking alot of people are getting mad at you because you changed your pick from broncos to patriots, you know i was a little upset as well, but now i don't care because at the end of the day it's still rigged. They could do anything with this superbowl. It's all about ratings and money. I hope you nail your pick. It'll shut the naysayers up.

    1. I think Z is 100% right about them having an insurance policy, so it could still go either way. Seeing how it syncs up with the 2013 observations though, on top of all these celeb deaths and the WW3 threat, and how Z said a Pat-Cat rematch would be just before impending doom....that's scary.

  3. Michael Moore never did shit for that town except get rich making movies about how poor it was!

    1. Agreed! That scene where a woman is talking with him, & she just casually breaks the neck of a rabbit she's holding, has been Inextricably Emblazoned On My Brain ever since. Unnecessary, sadistic fear porn! I can see that ANYTIME at the small farms around here -- if I CHOOSE to ... but NO FARMER HERE would EVER unexpectedly slaughter an animal in front of ANYONE. When I stop to buy eggs & have a chat, I NEVER worry that I might witness something I'd rather not see! (My grandmother always said Yankees didn't have good manners -- maybe she was right -- haha!!)

      I think I recall reading a few years after that came out, that the "rabbit lady" was PISSED about that scene being shown the way it was, because it was all out of context. She had to move because people kept harassing her. Where was "Fat Bastard Moore" THEN, eh? Probably refilling his Big Gulp at the 7-11 ... ;D :D

  4. Seriously though, "Jabba The Moore" has made a LOT of money -- and it was THIS town's misery that launched him into fame. Yet I can't see ANY evidence that his "expose" helped this city OR it's people ... sounds like they're STILL getting screwed over at every turn.

    Remember that '80's movie "Mr. Mom", with Michael Keaton (back when he was still funny)? Nobody seems to recall the MOST IMPORTANT PART (probably because of the misleading title ...).

    The workers who'd been cast out, all banded together & bought the factory themselves, then contracted to sell what they made to a bigger company. IT WAS SUCH A POSITIVE, UPLIFTING MESSAGE!!

    But because the studio tacked the title, "Mr. Mom" onto it, all people remember now are the parts about his WIFE BECOMING THE "BREADWINNER" & how the "HAPLESS DAD" struggled with running the house ("You fed a baby CHILI? Are you CRAZY?!?" lol)

    The sum "takeaway message" became 'women are underappreciated', & the whole theme about 'people asserting themselves & reclaiming their right to be known as a human being rather than a cog in the corporate machine' -- all that got diminished ... and eventually lost.

    Such a "simple thing" as a 'title' REALLY DOES have such an important impact on peoples' perceptions & their memories. Those other "Fat Bastards" -- the ones who run the studios -- they definitely know EXACTLY what they're doing ... and their eyes are ALWAYS looking MUCH farther down the road than we (used to) imagine! ;D :D


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