Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, January 15, 2016

Wilbur Glenn Voliva, Zion City & Flat Earth Theory

Zion, Illinois, historically, is a 'Flat Earth' stronghold.  Linked above is the name Wilbur Glenn Voliva, a longtime flat earth advocate.  Again, who are the dividers and the conquerers?  The Masons, the Zionists?  Did someone say 'Flat Earth Theory' in 'Zion City'?  Notice Zion City is in Illinois, and Chicago, not too far away, is a Zionist Mecca.

The flat earth theory leads to one place... like the recent conversation I had with a flat earther revealed, all he wants to do is prove creation, by showing the earth is flat.

If you think deeply, you'll come to realize that even if the earth is flat, that doesn't prove the Bible is right either.  That is the problem with these flat earthers, their minds show an apparent weakness when it comes to thinking and connecting dots.  They're driven to prove their spirituality to be true, instead of driven to solve the problems of the day, which the shape of the earth is not one of.

For the time being, I know the following to be fact.

Gematria research is worthwhile and a lot can be done with the knowledge uncovered.  Flat earth research is one dimensional, and would only prove that we have been lied to by the scientific elites, which we already know, and which we can prove with a variety of other methods... even including gematria.

Vocabulary of the day for 'Flat Earthers', Coriolis Effect.  Water spins in opposite directions in opposite hemispheres, and the moon is inverted in the opposing hemispheres as well.  Something that cannot be explained on the flat earth model because the earth is not flat.


  1. Steelers are finished.

    The Broncos can't lose as for the Burficit hit it was 100% scripted.


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