Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, January 17, 2016

YouTube's very common and very recent glitch, 'Comment failed to post'

I'm getting this message a lot lately when I try to comment on my own videos as well as other people's.  It doesn't matter how many times I click post, it will give me this message infinitely.  Very annoying.  Fuck you JewTube!  It can't be said enough!


  1. Youtube=28
    Youtube is bullshit.

  2. happens to me all the time!! Facebook deleted us as friends as well. I guess you could have done it, but I doubt that. I went to post on your wall today about cam newton/Russell Wilson and it said I had to add you as a friend before I could post.

  3. Ultra-weird ... Had never seen that one come up before ... until today, when I tried to post on a few videos & it came up every time! Glad you posted that though -- every bit of insight into these glitches helps! ;D. :D

  4. Happening to me now and it is irritating.

  5. It happens for me too, but only when replying via the "Highlighted Comment" option in an email link (i.e. A Youtube email notification arrives telling me a reply to one of my comments has been posted, so I click on "Reply" in the body of the email and it takes me directly to the comment via a URL switch/parameter)

    When I remove the parameter from the URL and find the comment manually, I can post with no problem. This is directly related to the URL switch functionality. It all started around the beginning of the year for me, and is a consistent bug.

    Before this one, there was another bug on youtube where certain punctuation characters (like the " symbol, for instance) would be replaced with a hexidecimal ASCII code for the symbol in the text of the comment whenever you tried to edit a comment that you'd posted. This went on for years before someone at Youtube finally gave enough of a sh!t to fix it. Let's hope this bug doesn't take as long or longer for them to get off their azzes and fix!


  6. It happens for me too, but only when replying via the "Highlighted Comment" option in an email link (i.e. A Youtube email notification arrives telling me a reply to one of my comments has been posted, so I click on "Reply" in the body of the email and it takes me directly to the comment via a URL switch/parameter)

    When I remove the parameter from the URL and find the comment manually, I can post with no problem. This is directly related to the URL switch functionality. It all started around the beginning of the year for me, and is a consistent bug.

    Before this one, there was another bug on youtube where certain punctuation characters (like the " symbol, for instance) would be replaced with a hexidecimal ASCII code for the symbol in the text of the comment whenever you tried to edit a comment that you'd posted. This went on for years before someone at Youtube finally gave enough of a sh!t to fix it. Let's hope this bug doesn't take as long or longer for them to get off their azzes and fix!



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