Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

10K Subcribers on YouTube

I started the channel in August of 2014.  The goal was 100K subscribers in the first year.  Honestly, it depresses me it took this long to get 10k.  I don't think in the history of the lifetimes of anyone living on this earth, a more important discovery has been made, presented and supported.  To me, it all speaks to the collective idiocy of this world we live in.  A world of losers, suckers and sheep, who give all their attention and time to the wrong things, while tuning out the truth.  I make no apologies for any of this, it is what I've been saying since I was a teenager.

So for my 10k "milestone", I have a big fat "meh".


  1. Your right about the idiocy of the world but the scary part is ppl don't wanna no the truth in that's the problem in that's why it's so easy for these Mason's to brainwash ppl in do rituals on live tv because they no ppl don't no what's going on or don't wanna no what's going on

    1. Its very frustrating.
      I keep trying but I can sense them blocking my comments on FB.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah, it's pretty frustrating telling people the truth, only for them to dismiss you as a wacko and have them return to their little worlds of Facebook, Pop culture, and Consumerism. Theyre so fucking stupid, they get extremely emotionally invested in politics, social causes, and sports, yet blow off 'conspiracy' talk. Can lead a horse to the fountain, can't make em drink water.

  4. I wish more people would find the truth that surrounds them. its difficult only having youtubers, or bloggers to talk about it with. Nobody in my real life to bounce ideas off of.

  5. Zack's a Freemason he's crazy obsessed with numbers

  6. Since were exposing the truth here! That's the truth about Zack he's a crazy mason himself!

  7. Still, F2FT is the greatest thing to hit the movement in years. 10k now, but 100k will happen.
    Great work Zach!!!!


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