Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, February 12, 2016

14 33 42 78 86 105 114 119 | Cuban Missile Crisis Hoax, by the Numbers

Cuban = 3+3+2+1+5 = 14 (Started on October 14) (Lasted 14-days)
Missile = 4+9+1+1+3+9+5 = 32/50
Crisis = 3+9+9+1+9+1 = 32/50
Cuban Missile Crisis = 78/114 (October) (World War)

Cuban = 3+21+2+1+14 = 41
Missile = 13+9+19+19+9+12+5 = 86
Crisis = 3+18+9+19+9+19 = 77
Cuban Missile Crisis = 204

10/14/1962 = 10+14+19+62 = 105 (Zionism, Masonry)
10/14/1962 = 10+14+(1+9+6+2) = 42 (War) (World War)
10/14/1962 = 1+0+1+4+1+9+6+2 = 24
10/14/62 = 10+14+62 = 86 (Symbol, Triangle, Pyramid, Missile)

Started on the 14th, ended 14-days later...

10/28/1962 = 10+28+19+62 = 119 (All seeing eye) (Star of David)
10/28/1962 = 10+28+(1+9+6+2) = 56 (All seeing eye) (Star of David)
10/28/1962 = 1+0+2+8+1+9+6+2 = 29
10/28/62 = 10+28+62 = 100

Keep in mind that October is the only moth with '33' gematria.  It also has gematria of '78', synching up with 'Cuba Missile Crisis'.

October = 6+3+2+6+2+5+9 = 33
October = 15+3+20+15+2+5+18 = 78


  1. Brilliant work. Extremely key component to helping people deprogram is exposing the numerological conspiracy within the famous historical events that we've all been brainwashed with. A vital reframing of reality.

  2. Masonic ritual fosho, notice how it started 10-14, day after 10-13, which is friday the thirteenth origins going back to the knights templar. Chris Carter(x-files creator) company's name is 10/13

  3. Masonic ritual fosho, notice how it started 10-14, day after 10-13, which is friday the thirteenth origins going back to the knights templar. Chris Carter(x-files creator) company's name is 10/13


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