Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

33 119 | Royal Caribbean cruise ship that went into Atlantic Ocean storm (Super Bowl 50 related?)

Royal = 9+6+7+1+3 = 26
Caribbean = 3+1+9+9+2+2+5+1+5 = 37
Royal Caribbean = 63

Royal = 18+15+25+1+12 = 71
Caribbean = 3+1+18+9+2+2+5+1+14 = 55
Royal Caribbean = 126

New = 5+5+5 = 15
Jersey = 1+5+9+1+5+7 = 28/37
Bayonne = 2+1+7+6+5+5+5 = 31
Bayonne, New Jersey = 74/83 (Masonic) (Football)
New Jersey = 43/52

New = 14+5+23 = 42
Jersey = 10+5+18+19+5+25 = 82
Bayonne = 2+1+25+15+14+14+5 = 76
Bayonne, New Jersey = 200
New Jersey = 124

As it happens, there are seemingly some 'Super Bowl connections' here.  The last time the Broncos were in a Super Bowl, it was hosted in New Jersey, Super Bowl 48.

Bahamas = 2+1+8+1+4+1+1 = 18/27
Bahamas = 2+1+8+1+13+1+19 = 45

Notice the storm took place Sunday, February 7, the day of Super Bowl 50, a date with a '45' numerology as well as '18' numerology, synching up with the gematria of Bahamas perfectly.  All of these numbers were big tributes in the Super Bowl game as well...

2/7/2016 = 2+7+20+16 = 45
2/7/2016 = 2+7+2+0+1+6 = 18

Anthem = 1+5+2+8+5+4 = 25
of = 6+6 = 12
the = 2+8+5 = 15
Seas = 1+4+1+1 = 8/17/26
Anthem of the Seas = 60/69/78

Anthem = 1+14+20+8+5+13 = 61
of = 15+6 = 21
the = 20+8+5 = 33
Seas = 19+5+1+19 = 44
Anthem of the Seas = 159

Asher Lipman?  Where do they find these people?  It as if the media always tries to find the most exotic name to interview.

Asher = 1+1+8+5+9 = 24/33
Lipman = 3+9+7+4+1+5 = 29
Asher Lipman = 53/62

Asher = 1+19+8+5+18 = 51
Lipman = 12+9+16+13+1+14 = 65
Asher Lipman = 116

Oh never mind, it is because it sums to 33.  Sill me.

For kicks, let's decode Atlantic Ocean.

Atlantic = 1+2+3+1+5+2+9+3 = 26
Ocean = 6+3+5+1+5 = 20
Storm = 1+2+6+9+4 = 22/31
Atlantic Ocean = 46 (46 was a major number on the Super Bowl) (46th SB of modern era)

Atlantic = 1+20+12+1+14+20+9+3 = 80
Ocean = 15+3+5+1+14 = 38
Storm = 19+20+15+18+13 = 85
Atlantic Ocean = 118

Is it me, or are there way too many synchs with the Super Bowl and the numbers on it?

1 comment:

  1. The Date Of The Storms Numerology. Sunday Feb. 7th, 2016

    2+7+16 =25
    2+7+(20+16)= 45
    2+7+(2+0+1+6)= 18

    25+45+18 = 88

    Anthem = 1+5+2+8+5+4 = 25

    Bahamas" in the English Ordinal system equals 45

    Bahamas" in the English Reduction system equals 18

    Atlantic Ocean = 118

    Ocean = 38

    Important to remember Feb.7th is the 38th Day Of the Year. With 328 days remaining.

    three hundred twenty Eight" in the English Reduction system equals 124

    New Jersey =124

    Now Add The Total Date Numerology of 88 with the Number of The Floor on the CNN photo of the Ship. (#14)

    88+14 = 102

    New Jersey to the Bahamas" in the English Reduction system equals 84 / 102

    Sunday" in the English Ordinal system equals 84


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