Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, February 13, 2016

33 43 106 122 137 | Hawaii Governor signs 'emergency proclamation' for Zika Virus, February 12, 2016

Notice, this news comes from the 50th state, the one most distant from the continental United States, and one of only three with a '33' gematria, which ties in nicely with "ZIKA IN AT LEAST 33 COUNTRIES!!!"

Hawaii = 8+1+5+1+9+9 = 33
Hawaii = 8+1+23+1+9+9 = 51

That would 'proclamation' fits the bill as well.

Emergency = 5+4+5+9+7+5+5+3+7 = 50 (Emergency in 50th state!)
Proclamation = 7+9+6+3+3+1+4+1+2+9+6+5 = 56
Emergency Proclamation = 106 

Recall, '106' is the number of 'prophecy'.  My guess is, we here some more "emergency proclamations" as the months become warmer.

Emergency = 5+13+5+18+7+5+14+3+25 = 95
Proclamation = 16+18+15+3+12+1+13+1+20+9+15+14 = 137 (33rd Prime Number)
Emergency Proclamation = 232

That is nice that David Ige signed the proclamation on February 12, the 43rd day of the year.

David = 4+1+4+9+4 = 22
Ige = 9+7+5 = 21
David Ige = 43

David = 4+1+22+9+4 = 40
Ige = 9+7+5 = 21
David Ige = 61

The World Health Organization has a nice 'Freemason' connection as well.

Freemason = 32+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 122 (Francis Bacon Method)

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