Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

33 47 96 | Black Lives Matter activist MarShawn shoots himself at Ohio Statehouse (Or did he?)

MarShawn = 4+1+9+1+8+1+5+5 = 34
McCarrel = 4+3+3+1+9+9+5+3 = 37
MarShawn McCarrel = 71

MarShawn = 13+1+18+19+8+1+23+14 = 97
McCarrel = 13+3+3+1+18+18+5+12 = 73 (Civl Rights) (Sacrifice)
MarShawn McCarrel = 170

Black = 2+3+1+3+2 = 11
Lives = 3+9+4+5+1 = 22/31
Matter = 4+1+2+2+5+9 = 23
Black Lives Matter = 56/65
Black Lives = 33/42

Black = 2+12+1+3+11 = 29
Lives = 12+9+22+5+19 = 67
Matter = 13+1+20+20+5+18 = 77
Black Lives Matter = 173
Black Lives = 96 (Freemason)

It was a fitting day to die in 'Ohio'.

2/9/2016 = 2+9+20+16 = 47
Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47

Twitter, the new place for suicide notes, and everything else reported in the mainstream media.

Notice that "no one heard the shot" and that he has a twin brother...  Something tells me there is only one "MarQuan" or "MarShawn", whichever you prefer- and that this entire suicide story is bogus nonsense.

So this is what I'm getting.  He was all about service, and helping others, but then he killed himself?  Honestly, I get it.  I've been helping people my whole life and I often feel like killing myself too but I never would.  You know why?   Because there is too much good work to be done.  Something tells me that if this was a real story, about a man dedicated to service, he' still be living.  Perhaps I'm wrong...

I mean, from recognition at the NAACP Image Awards to suicide within a week?  I guess anything is possible, but the details aren't adding up, especially the fact that no one saw him shoot himself at the Ohio Statehouse.


  1. Ah and notice how poor Marshawn/ Martian was a community organizer just like Obama?

    Fake story about a CGI creation.

  2. Also, that little detail about how he pissed on the courthouse before he ended it all (these CGI people are the biggest drama queens around. They kill themselves or others over a hangnail) I have noticed so many of these stories involve urination in some way. Maybe it's an echo of yellow crime scene tape or an allusion to the way dogs mark their territory.

  3. Hoax checklist:
    1) Coded post time? Check.
    2) In or connected to Ohio? Check.
    3) Is there a TWIN? Check.
    4) No witnesses? Check.
    5) Family comments pubicly within 24 hrs? Check.
    6) Is Twitter part of the story? Check.
    7) "Guns" & "mental problems" mentioned? Check.

    7 is "zayin" or Z in Hebrew, making 1-7 & A-Z equatable.

    YEP -- it's a HOAX!! ;D :D

  4. MarShawn's Name Gematria #'s

    Seventy One" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    One hundred seventy" in the English Reduction system equals 83

    hundred seventy" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Now Decode the pictures included with the article.

    Red Suit" in the English Ordinal system equals 96

    Red Suit" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    Red Suit Blue Jeans" in the English Reduction system equals 59 / 68

    Red Bowtie" in the English Ordinal system equals 101

    Red Bowtie" in the English Reduction system equals 47

    His Mom's name.

    Leatha" in the English Ordinal system equals 47

    Now The other picture

    Crawford" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

    Black Button Down" in the English Reduction system equals 51

    Black Winter Hat" in the English Ordinal system equals 147

    Interesting to note. Feb. 8th (MarShawn's Death) is the 39th Day of the year with 327 remaining because of the Leap Year. Five Days From Feb. 8th Will Be The Start of Lupercalia. (MarShawn McCarrel = M.M. = 44)

    Lupercalia" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    Three hundred twenty seven days" in the English Reduction system equals 126

    Three hundred twenty seven" in the English Reduction system equals 113

    Five Days" in the English Reduction system equals

    .. 37 / 46 ..

    Five Days" in the English Ordinal system equals

    .. 91 ..

    February 8 , 2016

    2+8+16 = 26
    2+8+20+16 = 46
    2+8+(2+0+1+6)= 19

    26+46+19= 91

    1. Feb. 8th is the 39th day of The Year with 5 days Remaining until Lupercalia.

      39+5 = 44

      Marshawn McCarrel = M.M. = 44

      Lupercalia = 44

  5. "my demons won today, i'm sorry."

    typed by the mercenary's working for the shadow government,corporations,elites,royals,religiousleaders, military complex etc.. that "suicided" him.

    so ya the demons won..

    these professional merc's just go around with a list of names, numbered in priority on importance of agendas, killing people who stand up for freedoms and speak the truth...they are highly skilled in making it look like a suicide, health problems, natural causes, vehicle accidents etc.. they have murdered thousands throughout history these ways.

    1. Iv'e heard of mercenary soldiers. Aren't they cloned.

  6. It's easy to clone people with CGI and special effects. And everything u see on TV, internet, news etc has been edited remember that. It's all in 2d on a screen and therefore easy to mess with. I would think it's much easier to do that than to produce real clones and kill them on the right days because of the human factor people not doing what told, being where they r supposed to be but who knows.


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