Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

33 | The Warriors record winning percentage at the all-star break, just ahead of Philadelphia 76ers

How obvious is this?  Recall, the Golden State Warriors are originally from Philadelphia.  This year, the Warriors began the season with a NBA record winning streak, while the team in Philadelphia began with a record losing streak.  Notice the connections between the Golden State Warriors and Philadelphia 76ers all time best starts before the all-star break, again, no coincidence.  Also keep in mind the 76ers won the NBA Finals 33-years ago, a very important number in the NBA.  Earlier this year, the Warriors were chasing a 33-game win streak by the Lakers, from 44-years earlier, the year the Warriors moved to Golden State.

NBA Finals = 5+2+1+6+9+5+1+3+1 = 33/42


  1. I think the Win Title graphic illustrates my poibt that the Warriors will not.

    1. Curry was made to be a big supporter of the Panthers... Will the Warriors go down in the Finals?

    2. If its a rematch, the Cavs will win. If the Warriors make it and some other Chicago or Miami makes it, Warriors probably repeat. If its the Cavs and someone else, Cavs will win.

      I think it's time for the curse to fall.

  2. I agree... Leading us down the garden path again.

  3. Lebron goes to the finals every year y I don't no but it will be cavs vs warriors it's gonna be interesting to see who wins


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