Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 11, 2016

42 | Alex Ovechkin scores hat trick on 42nd day of the year, February 11, 2016 (for Mother Russia)

February 11, the date of the hat trick, is the 42nd day of the year.

Ovechkin = 6+4+5+3+8+2+9+5 = 42
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42
Russia = 9+3+1+1+9+1 = 24/42
Alex = 1+12+5+24 = 42

I know I don't cover the NHL, but it is rigged by the numbers as well.


  1. Kevin Randleman, the first African american champion of UFC died today(feb 11 2016) at age 44..
    he won the title on UFC 23 on 11/19/1999..
    he went 122-11 in NCAA wrestling..

  2. Wow, thank you for this heads up. I will do article tomorrow.

    1. np, your site is great btw, just found it other day..he was also one of 11 children, and retired from the sport in '11

  3. Zach, I just saw a story about Trump autographing a baby's hand. It seemed like one of those staged stories...autograph reduces to 44.
    44 (1+3+2+6+7+9+1+7+8) I'm kinda new to this, but I thought this might be important.

    1. Great discovery, I never realized autograph was '44' before. I'll check it out.


    These stories are also ramping up this year, a little under the radar, but knife attacks!! One of the big agendas for the elites is a mental instability platform. I honestly think they want us to think that it is human nature to snap and attack strangers with guns or machetes or bare hands. I expect a bare hand rampage eventually.

    Anyhow, this way we'll all accept that we are naturally insane and need to take our daily morning regiment of aggression suppression pills. It'll be great. One Nation Under Prozac with Valium and Xanax for All!!

  5. Ovie scored his 33rd, 34th and 35th goals of the season in under 13 mins is what i read in the paper this morning....


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