Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, February 11, 2016

69 74 | Is Cliven Bundy really 74-years old? That is what the mainstream media is reporting...

It seems that by the mainstream media's count, Cliven Bundy is 74-years old.  But is he really?  Keep in mind, 74 is a special number, connected to the Freemasons, and the Oregon standoff, which he is connected to, has 74 coded all over it.  Oregon, the 33rd state, is the only state with a '74' gematria.

Oregon = 15+18+5+7+15+14 = 74
Burns = 2+21+18+14+19 = 74
Masonic = 13+1+19+15+14+9+3 = 74

According to the web, Cliven Bundy is actually 69-years old.  I cannot find whether 69 or 74 is more accurate, but the only place I can find his birthday, it is stated as being April 29, 1946, making him 69-years old.

4/29/1946 = 4+29+19+46 = 98
4/29/1946 = 4+29+(1+9+4+6) = 53
4/29/1946 = 4+2+9+1+9+4+6 = 35
4/29/46 = 4+29+46= 79

Anyhow, in total, I think the media often forces the numbers just so they fit their scheme, and this might be a prime example, saying he is 74, when he is really 69.  I mean, who cares, what's 5 more years?  Also, they're trying to provoke a certain element of the public, so the older the man they arrest in their eyes, such as 74 instead of 69, the more despicable the act is despised in the segment they're trying to provoke.

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