Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, March 13, 2016

33 38 74 93 123 | Iron Maiden plane scare headlines remind of Randy Rhoads March 1982 death

The Iron Maiden headlines this morning, March 12, 2016, made me think of the death of Randy Rhoades, from Black Sabbath, on March 19, 1982.  If you're not aware, Rhoads supposedly once crashed into the Black Sabbath tour bus while attempting a practical joke flyover with a small airplane.  The incident has always been viewed as suspicious.

Checkout this article written last Spring about Rhoads' death.

There's a reason they're paying tribute to '33'.  Notice the date of death.

3/19/1982 = 3+1+9+1+9+8+2 = 33
3/19/1982 = 3+19+(1+9+8+2) = 42 (Freemason)
3/19/1982 = 3+19+19+82 = 123 (Conspiracy)
3/19/82 = 3+19+82 = 104 (Message received) (He died a span of 104-days from his birthday)

From his 25th birthday to his death, was 103-days later, or a span of 104-days.  103 is the 27th prime. Think about the '27' club in rock music.  Also, the numerology of his date of death corresponds with the word 'Rockstar' very much, which he was.  Still today he is recognized as one of the greatest guitarists ever.

Rockstar = 9+6+3+2+1+2+1+9 = 33/42
Rockstar = 18+15+3+11+19+20+1+18 = 105

The date March 19 can also be written 19/3, a lot like '193', the 44th prime number.

Kill = 44; 193, the 44th prime

Examining Rhoads birthday shows why he was a ripe candidate for ritual sacrifice.

12/6/1956 = 12+6+19+56 = 93 (Crucifix) (Saturn) 
12/6/1956 = 12+6+(1+9+5+6) = 39
12/6/1956 = 1+2+6+1+9+5+6 = 30
12/6/56 = 12+6+56 = 74 (Jesus) (Cross) (Jesus on the cross at 33...)

Randall = 9+1+5+4+1+3+3 = 26 (Randy = 9+1+5+4+7 = 26)
William = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4 = 34
Rhoads = 9+8+6+1+4+1 = 29/38 (Death = 38)
Randall William Rhoads = 89/98
Randy Rhoads = 55/64 (Sacrifice = 46/55)

Randall = 18+1+14+4+1+12+12 = 62 (Randy = 18+1+14+4+25 = 62)
William = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13 = 79
Rhoads = 18+8+15+1+4+19 = 65
Randall Williams Rhoads = 206
Randy Rhoads = 127

With regards to Randy Rhoads death, Ozzie Osbourne had just turned 34-years old, 3-days earlier.  Notice Ozzy was born December 3, or 12/3 and Rhoads died on a date with '123' numerology.  Ozzy's birthday also had '82' numerology, like the year Rhoads died in.

12/3/1948 = 12+3+19+48 = 82

1 comment:

  1. So 33 years 11 months 22 days between crashes? No body got 44ed this time


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