Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

33 41 42 44 47 55 66 74 77 89 96 105 123 | EgyptAir Hijacker Hoax, March 29, 2016

Initial thought:  Lots of plane hoaxes in history involving Egypt, and in recent history, Egypt and Russia.

Let us begin decoding with the headline.

All = 1+3+3 = 7
hostages = 8+6+1+2+1+7+5+1 = 31/49
freed = 6+9+5+5+4 = 29
All hostage freed = 67/85  (Freemasonry)

All = 1+12+12 = 25
hostages = 8+15+19+20+1+7+5+19 = 94
freed = 6+18+5+5+4 = 38
All hostages freed = 157 (United States)

Also the airline.

EgyptAir = 5+7+7+7+2+1+9+9 = 47
EgyptAir = 5+7+25+16+20+1+9+18 = 101

Key words, 'hijack' and 'hijacker'.

Hijack = 8+9+1+1+3+2 = 24/33
Hijacker = 8+9+1+1+3+2+5+9 = 38/47

Hijack = 8+9+10+1+3+11 = 42
Hijacker = 8+9+10+1+3+11+5+18 = 65

This story is obviously bullshit.  Let's decode the storyteller's name.

Farah = 6+1+9+1+8 = 25
El = 5+3 = 8
Dibany = 4+9+2+1+5+7 = 28
Farah El Dibany = 61

Farah = 6+1+18+1+8 = 34
El = 5+12 = 17
Dibany = 4+9+2+1+14+25 = 55
Farah El Dibany = 106

The flight was supposed to from Alexandria to Cairo, but instead was diverted to Cyprus.

Alexandria = 1+3+5+6+1+5+4+9+9+1 = 44
Alexandria = 1+12+5+24+1+14+4+18+9+1 = 89 (Today is the 89th day of the year)

Cairo = 3+1+9+9+6 = 28
Cairo = 3+1+9+18+15 = 46

Cyprus = 3+7+7+9+3+1 = 30/39
Cyprus = 3+25+16+18+21+19 = 102

Also notice this story comes on Tuesday.  It was a Tuesday when September 11 occurred... you know, with the "planes".  Today is March 29, 2016.

3/29/2016 = 3+29+20+16 = 68
3/29/2016 = 3+29+(2+0+1+6) = 41
3/29/2016 = 3+2+9+2+0+1+6 = 23
3/29/16 = 3+29+16 = 48 (Hoax) (Propaganda)

The Cyprus Government spokesman has 'Freemason' coding, as well as the 'Zionism' and 'Masonry' coding, and even the 'conspiracy' coding.

Nikos = 5+9+2+6+1 = 23/32/41
Christodoulides = 3+8+9+9+1+2+6+4+6+3+3+9+4+5+1 = 73/91
Nikos Christodoulides = 96/105/123/132

Nikos = 14+9+11+15+19 = 68
Christodoulides = 3+8+18+9+19+20+15+4+15+21+12+9+4+5+19 = 181
Nikos Christodoulides = 249

The person who said the explosives were fake has typical coding as well for these manufactured mainstream hoaxes.

Alexandros = 1+3+5+6+1+5+4+9+6+1 = 41/50
Zinon = 8+9+5+6+5 = 33
Alexandros Zinon = 74/83 (Masonic = 74)

Alexandros = 1+12+5+24+1+14+4+18+15+19 = 113 (Mainstream, Dishonest, Green Screen)
Zinon = 26+9+14+15+14 = 78
Alexandros Zinon = 191 (43rd prime) (Society of Jesus) 

And the name of the hijacker.

Self = 1+5+3+6 = 15/24
El = 5+3 = 8
Din = 4+9+5 = 18
Mustafa  = 4+3+1+2+1+6+1 = 18/27
Self El Din Mustafa = 59/77

Self = 19+5+12+6 = 42 (Freemason)
El = 5+12 = 17
Din = 4+9+14 = 27
Mustafa = 13+21+19+20+1+6+1 = 81
Self El Din Mustafa = 167

I think stories such as this are to reenforce the reasoning for all of the security at modern day airports, and also to remind the general public that 'there's dangerous mentally ill people out there'.  This is a common theme in mainstream reporting.

What stands out about '55', is that it is the Fibonacci number which comes before 89.  Again, today is the 89th day of the year.  The flight also left from Alexandria, having '89' gematria.

There was a bit of chaos has gematria of 81/99/198.  They love that word 'chaos'.

Perhaps this story is a partial advertisement for EgyptAir?

Notice they traveled to Larnaca Airport.

Larnaca = 3+1+9+5+1+3+1 = 23
Airport = 1+9+9+7+6+9+2 = 43
Larnaca Airport = 66

Larnaca = 12+1+18+14+1+3+1 = 50
Airport = 1+9+18+16+15+18+20 = 97
Larnaca Airport = 147

Notice the name of the Pilot.

Omar = 6+4+1+9 = 20
El = 5+3 = 8
Gamal = 7+1+4+1+3 = 16
Omar El Gamal = 44

Omar = 15+13+1+18 = 47 (EgyptAir)
El = 5+12 = 17
Gamal = 7+1+13+1+12 = 34
Omar El Gamal = 98

The 'old fashioned type of terrorism' makes me laugh.  This airplane bullshit is beyond played out.

Keep in mind this story follows the Brussels Airport Hoax by one week.  Notice Belgians were on the plane...

This story follows the October 31 hoax by 150-days, or 151 if you count the end date.

Poor passengers having to deal with needless delays.

1 comment:

  1. The nut jobs controlling things like to use the term Thirty Year War = 191/74 to shape and control the world we are living in. They have claimed that the Iraq war could be a thirty year war. Some say WWI and WWII were just one thirty year war.


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