Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, March 14, 2016

44 78 | Roy Williams, UNC Basketball Coach, why his numbers align for 2016 Men's Tourney Championship (+Dean Smith's Death and the Carolina Panthers)

North Carolina is the second biggest favorite to win the men's basketball tournament this year, 2016.  They are second to Kansas, which is the team Roy Williams coached prior.

Coach = 3+6+1+3+8 = 21
Roy = 9+6+7 = 22
Allen = 1+3+3+5+5 = 17
Williams = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4+1 = 35/44 (Championship on 4/4)
Roy Allen Williams = 74/83
Coach Roy Williams = 78/87 (78th Tournament  this year)
Roy Williams = 57/66

Coach = 3+15+1+3+8 = 30 Roy = 18+15+25 = 58
Allen = 1+12+12+5+14 = 44
Williams = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13+19 = 98
Roy Allen Williams = 200
Coach Roy Williams = 186
Roy Williams = 156 (911, 156th Prime)

8/1/1950 = 8+1+19+50 = 78 (78th Tournament this year, 2016) (Coach Roy Williams)
8/1/1950 = 8+1+1+9+5+0 = 24
8/1/50 = 8+1+50 = 59

The coaches birthday comes 119-days after the Championship Game.

All Seeing Eye = 119
Star of David = 119

Roy Williams is 65-years old, fitting for a match up with 'Kansas', where he coached prior.

Kansas = 11+1+14+19+1+19 = 65
Roy Williams, former Kansas coach, 65-years old

Notice that 'Coach Roy Williams' began coaching at UNC in 1978, emphasis on '78.  Again, this is the 78th Men's Division I Basketball Tournament in 2016, a tradition that began in 1939.  Dean Smith, in gematria, sums to 39, the UNC Coach that Williams began under.  Dean Smith died February 7, 2015, 422-days before this year's championship. April 4, 2016.

Dean Smith = 4+5+1+5+1+4+9+2+8 = 39/48
Dean Smith = 4+5+1+14+19+13+9+20+8 = 93

Dean Smith won two championships, in '82 and '93.  Roy Williams has won two championships with North Carolina, in 2005 over Illinois and in 2009 over Michigan State.  If he won again, he would be the most winningest championship coach in the school's history.

With regards to the Tar Heels winning in '82, that was 34-years ago.

Tar Heels = 2+1+9+8+5+5+3+1 = 34
34-years since Jordan and Dean Smith won in '82

I also can't help but notice Dean Smith passed on February 7, 2015, a date with '44' numerology, and also a year to the day that the Carolina Panthers would go down in the Super Bowl, emphasis on Carolina.

2/7/2015 = 2+7+20+15 = 44
National Championship on 4/4/2016

Also notice that Williams was an assistant coach for 336-games over the span of a decade.

The detail about Williams recruiting Jordan isn't too shabby either.

Notice that Williams coached 15-seasons for Kansas, accumulating and .805 winning percentage.  Let us not forget the gematria of 'Basketball'.

Basketball = 2+1+19+11+5+20+2+1+12+12 = 85

Again, there is the greatest alignment for a Kansas and UNC National College Championship this year.  It should be noted that this season, is the '15-'16 season.

What is key is that Kansas was Number 1 in the country several times under Williams, but never won the National Championship.  This season Kansas is #1 under Bill Self, and very well might fall short of a championship yet again.  On 4/4/2016, the UNC motto might very well be 'Kill Bill', or '17 17' on a date with '17' numerology.

That 58-0 is something else.

Freemasonry = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5+9+7 = 58/67 (North Carolina = 67)
Basketball = 2+1+19+11+5+20+2+1+12+12 = 85

First, let us acknowledge the gematria of 'Memorial Stadium' in light of 'Kansas' and Roy William's current age, 65.

Memorial = 4+5+4+6+9+9+1+3 = 41
Stadium = 1+2+1+4+9+3+4 = 24/33
Memorial Stadium = 65/74 (Kansas = 65)

Memorial = 13+5+13+15+18+9+1+12 = 86
Stadium = 19+20+1+4+9+21+13 = 87
Memorial Stadium = 173

Notice that Roy Williams lost to Syracuse in the National Championship, while head coach of Kansas, with 78-points in 2003, 13-years ago.  Again this is the 78th year of the tournament, and both Williams and Self, the respective coaches of North Carolina and Kansas, have 78 connections.  Williams definitely has more though, from name, to birthday, to coaching history.

After that game, Roy Williams went to North Carolina, coaching their 2003-04 season.

North = 5+6+9+2+8 = 30
Carolina = 3+1+9+6+3+9+5+1 = 37
North Carolina = 67 (6+7 = 13)

Notice in 2007-08, the Tarheels were #1 in the nation under Williams, but lost to Kansas in the Final 4.  The exact same scenario could play out this year, only this time Kansas is the #1 team in the nation.

That 79-71 finish over North Carolina rival Duke stands out.

Champion = 3+8+1+13+16+9+15+14 = 79

Ha, there's that number 79 again in the NIT Championship.  (Not invited tournament, double ha!).

You think that 33-points deficit comeback was a coincidence?

Here is Roy Williams all-time coaching record.


  1. Roy is 65yrs old. Kansas =65.

    Roy was born on the 213th day.....North Carolina Kansas =213. Those are the 2 teams he's led to Championships, and the projected match-up for this year.

    From 2/13 to 4/4 =51 days. 1mo 22days, or 7 weeks 2 days. All powerful numbers that are currently ritualized.

    We also have many assassination undertones with the dates 2/13 & 4/4 along with the 144 code that was exposed a couple of posts back in the Bill Self write-up.

    1. Kansas =65, and their odds of winning are 6.5 to 1.

    2. UNC is 8 to 1 odds, and Roy Williams was born on 8/1.

    3. March Madness =118. January Eighteenth =1609. Roy Williams =1609.

  2. Not sure if this has been mentioned, but UNC has 44 all-time tourny losses.

    1. How about that! Will they finish this one with 44 tournament losses? Meaning no losses this go?

    2. Quite possible, AND Kansas' next tourny loss is #44!

    3. HA! That's it! HAAAAA! Great work! Where are you pulling those stats from?

    4. From's college basketball page. Also interesting: from Self's birthday to 4/4 is 3 months 8 days, and from 4/4 to his next birthday is 38 weeks and 1 day, for his metaphorical death.

    5. Ha, YET, from Williams' birthday to 4/4 is ALSO 8 months 3 days (or 247 days), AND to his next birthday is 119 days, or 17 weeks. All numbers of ill omen. Is it possible Obama is at the game??

    6. And from UNC's first ever national title, AGAINST Kansas, is a span of 3080 weeks (and 2 days)!

    7. In the 6 times that UNC-KU have met in the tourney, Kansas outscored NC 434-396, that's 38 point difference.

    8. Nice! And get this, UNC is currently on 2168 regular season victories, while KU is on 2183, THAT pair again. If you add their tournament victories, they are tied at 2280 wins each, meaning that the six wins needed to win the national title will give either team 2286 total, to pair beautifully with ALL the 38 above.

  3. Replies
    1. Boom! For the year of 666! And North Carolina = 67 just like 'Satanic'.... fitting.

    2. So I am good at this, i got unc last night. Un fucking real

    3. Just thought i would mention if you bet: colts SB, unc and cavs championships on 1 ticket. $20 pays 18k

    4. The Day the Jayhawks Died---216

    5. How do I double down on that Parlay?

    6. Im not really sure what you mean by double down on it.. Just double the bet? Check out they will have some answers for you

    7. Thanks! Yes, I meant double the bet to double the payout to 36k.

  4. Coach Roy Williams =78. Matching his birth numerology and the 78th annual tourney. Coach Williams =1144. I got a report upcoming on the Kansas train derailment that happened today, exactly 44 weeks after the Philly trainwreck. Looks like a tribute for NC upsetting Kansas.

    4/4 comes 119 days before the 66th birthday of Coach Roy Williams =1116.

    1. The thing to think about in the train wreck though, is that it happened in Philly, where the Warriors are from, and who won the tournament.

    2. Right, but Roy is "from" Kansas having previously coached there. So maybe the train wreck is a sign for the team that got out.

    3. He started coaching in '78 too at UNC as assistant.

  5. I'll throw what I found for OU out there. We can make sure they don't line up for the championship. Looks pretty good for them this year though.

    OU syncs up with 2016. It also connects to 666 through the 216 = 6*6*6 and 36 (three six) gematria.
    "OU" in ES = 216
    "OU" in EO = 36
    "OU" in the English Gematria = 360
    "Sooners" in ER = 33
    "Sooners" in the English Sumerian = 630

    "Buddy Heild" in ER = 49
    "Buddy Heild" in EO = 94
    Buddy Heild is originally from the Bahamas.
    "Bahamian" in the English Reduction system equals 31
    "Bahamian" in the English Sumerian system equals 294
    "Bahamian" in the English Ordinal system equals 49
    "Bahamian" in the English Gematria system equals 112

    "Lon Kruger" in ER = 49
    "Lonnie Duane Kruger" in ER = 86
    "Lonnie Duane Kruger" in EO = 194

    Born 8/19/1952 (Age 63)
    8/19/1952 = 8+19+19+52 = 98
    8/19/1952 = 8+19+(1+9+5+2) = 44
    8/19/1952 = 8+1+9+1+9+5+2 = 35
    8/19/52 = 8+19+52 = 79
    His birth numerology syncs to April 4th with the 44.

    His NCAA Tournament record is 16-16 in 16 appearances.

    A final four appearance would put his record at 20-16 in 2016.

  6. The key player for the UNC is Brice Johnson.

    Brice = 109, 37, 222, 28
    Johnson = 338, 95, 570, 32/41
    Brice Johnson = 447, 132, 792, 60/69
    Johnathan Brice Johnson = 835, 223, 1338, 97/106

    I notice the 106 pythagorean matches "prophecy".

    Born June 27, 1994. Age 21
    6/27/1994 = 6+27+19+94 = 146
    6/27/1994 = 6+27+(1+9+9+4) = 56
    6/27/1994 = 6+2+7+1+9+9+4 = 38
    6/27/94 = 6+27+94 = 127

    1. Johnson = 95; the championship is on the 95th day of the year...

  7. I think all 4 teams (Kansas, UNC, MSU, OU) line up nicely for the Final Four. But the evidence for UNC and Kansas seems overwhelming. I could honestly see any of them winning it.

  8. Kansas and Oklahoma had a 3 OT thriller earlier in the season (1/4/16). Maybe there are clues from that game should the two teams face each other in a rematch in the Final 4.

    1. Good heads up, 3 OTs 3 months before the championship, eh?

    2. Buddy Heild from OU scored 46 points... We can look up the other stats

    3. Buddy Heild from OU scored 46 points... We can look up the other stats

  9. A stat I found from ESPN:

    "North Carolina gets their 6th #1 seed under Roy Williams. 2 of the 5 previous have ended in National Titles."

    If they win the championship, it will be 3 out of 6; and we know how much they are using "three six" these days...

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