Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, March 25, 2016

33 46 47 113 130 | Tay, Microsoft's "Teen Girl" AI, taken offline 1-day after being released for being "Nazi supporter"

The 'turing test' connects to 'teen girl'.  The test was a term coined in 1950 to determine when a computer has the ability to speak on par with an actual human level of intelligence.

Teen = 2+5+5+5+ 17
Girl = 7+9+9+3 = 28
Teen Girl = 45

Turing = 2+3+9+9+5+7 = 35
Test = 2+5+1+2 = 10
Turing Test = 45

It sounds like it didn't take "Tay" long to come around to the truth.

And as I've said before, Microsoft loves their gematria, its in their software, their video games and even their teen girl AI, 'Tay'.

Tay = 2+1+7 = 10
Tay = 20+1+25 = 46 (Microsoft = 46)

Microsoft = 4+9+3+9+6+1+6+6+2 = 46/55
Microsoft = 13+9+3+18+15+19+15+6+20 = 118

'46' also connects to 'girl'.

Girl = 7+9+9+3 = 28
Girl = 7+9+18+12 = 46

Forty-Six is a special number.

Forty-Six = 6+6+9+2+7+1+9+6 = 46/55

Also, that bit about 'The AI with zero chill' connects to Redmond, WA's coordinates and more.  Redmond, WA is where Microsoft is headquartered, just outside of Seattle.

211 is the 47th prime number.  Redmond and Seattle are on the 47th parallel north.

Notice the years, 1968 and 1984, familiar numbers.

Artificial = 1+9+2+9+6+9+3+9+1+3 = 52
Intelligence = 9+5+2+5+3+3+9+7+5+5+3+5 = 61
Artificial Intelligence = 113

Artificial = 1+18+20+9+6+9+3+9+1+12 = 88
Intelligence = 9+14+20+5+12+12+9+7+5+14+3+5 = 115
Artificial Intelligence = 203

Let us close by looking at this tweet from Tay.

Notice the time stamp of 2:27.  Remember what is special about 227?

When you divide 22 by 7, you get 3.14, the approximation of Pi.  The 'gang' loves to code it.

Bill Gates = 2+9+3+3+7+1+2+5+1 = 33/42
Bill Gates, head of Microsoft for 33-years

Microsoft is on the 47th Parallel North.  Bill Gates wife is supposedly 'Melinda Gates'.

Melinda = 4+5+3+9+5+4+1 = 31
Gates = 7+1+2+5+1 = 16/25
Melinda Gates = 47/56

And out of all Tays Tweets, this one has received the most attention.

It is no coincidence this came from 'brightonus33'.  Keep in mind Hitler and the Nazis came to power in '33.

Nazis came to power in '33
Nazis = 5+1+8+9+1 = 24/33
Berlin = 2+5+9+3+9+5 = 33
Holocaust = 8+6+3+6+3+1+3+1+2 = 33/42
Zyklon-B = 8+7+2+3+6+5+2 = 33

Let us also decode 'brightonus'.  Keep in mind that Microsoft is a company secretly controlled by the Federal Government, which should be obvious based on their monopoly they'e always had on computer software.

brightonus = 2+18+9+7+8+20+15+14+21+19 = 133
government = 7+15+22+5+18+14+13+5+14+20 = 133
temptation = 20+5+13+16+20+1+20+9+15+14 = 133
White House = 23+8+9+20+5+8+15+21+19+5 = 133

The tweet itself even connects back to 'Washington'.  Keep in mind that Microsoft is also headquartered out of Washington State.


  1. Artificial Intelligence = 113 in English Reduction

  2. "terminator" in the English Ordinal system equals 133
    "skynet" in the English Ordinal system equals 94
    "skynet" in the English Reduction system equals 22

    "john connor" in the English Gematria system equals 441 or 144

    1. "darpa" in the English Reduction system equals 22

      "Dartmouth University" in the English Ordinal system equals 282

      "Dartmouth University" in the English Reduction system equals 93

      Dartmouth is located in Hanover, New Hampshire

      "Hanover New Hampshire" in the English Reduction system equals 105

      "Hanover New Hampshire" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

      "Hanover" in the English Ordinal system equals 83

      "Hanover" in the English Reduction system equals 38
      "New Hampshire" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

      "New Hampshire" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    2. Dartmouth was established 12/13/1769
      12+13+17+69 = 111
      12+13+69 = 94
      1+2+1+3+1+7+6+9= 30

      Dartmouth is in their 247th year of existence or 24/7

      The artificial intelligence project conference lasted one month
      "one month" equals 41
      "summer of nineteen fifty six" in the English Ordinal system equals 314 which is interesting because 3.14 is the number for pi

    3. "dartmouth university the big green" in the English Reduction system equals 157

      a space odyssey" in the English Ordinal system equals 157

      157 = 37th prime number

      "hal nine thousand" in the English Reduction system equals 66

      "stanley kubrick a space odyssey" in the English Sumerian system equals 1968

    4. "IBMs computer beat world chess champion" in the English Reduction system equals 153

      "one hundred fifty three" in the English Reduction system equals 113

      "deep blue defeats Kasparov" in the English Ordinal system equals 233

      233 is the 51st Prime number
      "two hundred thirty three" in the English Reduction system equals 117

      117 relates to Halo whihc has to do with military using artificial intelligence as a weapon

      Halo = 18/36/216(6*6*6)/99

    5. AI Tay = 56/336 (33 and 6)/911

    6. Siri = 28, 55 and 330 or 33.
      "siri stores data for nsa" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      "transhumanism" in the English Reduction system equals 53 or reflection of 53
      "transhumanism agenda" in the English Reduction system equals 76

      "transhumanism agenda" in the English Ordinal system equals 202

      "transhumanism agenda" in the English Gematria system equals 1057

    7. "chip everyone to enslave humanity" in the English Reduction system equals 144

  3. Tay Loves Insest----205, 1230
    Tay Knows Who Did Nine Eleven---296, 1776
    Tay knows Bush Did Nine Eleven---300, 1800
    Tay Loves Hitler---191, 1146
    Tay is a Bad Bot---119, 714
    Tay Hates Microsoft---1123(J), 217, 1302
    Tay is a Naughty Girl----217, 1302

    1. Tay is Dead----88

      Tay Will Be Back---126

    2. Good work you guys and lol at Arnold AI lines

    3. Tay is a Bad Teen---126

      Tay is a Bad Teen Robot---196

      She's a millennial! Of course she loves Hitler!!

    4. According to Urban Dictionary a Tay is a sexy biatch

      Tay is a Sexy Biatch---191

      Tay Means Thinking About You---310, 1860

      I'm done, I swear.

  4. Shucks, I misspelled incest so the value is not as nice. But


  5. Don't TAYz me, bro!

    Tay could be short for Thea or Dorothea Pronounced Tay-ah.

    That part about the Alan Turing test was interesting. AT and T.

    Reminds me of the movie Her.


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