Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, April 10, 2016

17 38 58 96 139 | The murder of University of Texas student, April 8, 2016 reporting

Shiny rigid object?  Nice emphasis on the 'Freemason' coding.

Shiny = 1+8+9+5+7 = 30/39
rigid = 9+9+7+9+4 = 38
object = 6+2+1+5+3+2 = 19
Shiny rigid object = 87/96 (Freemason = 96)

The victim has more 'Freemasonry' coding.

Haruka = 8+1+9+3+2+1 = 24/33
Weiser = 5+5+9+1+5+9 = 34/43 (Murder)
Haruka Weiser = 58/67/76

Haruka = 8+1+18+21+11+1 = 60
Weiser = 23+5+9+19+5+18 = 79 (Murder)
Haruka Weiser = 139 (Freemasonry)

They say the victim was an 18-year old ballerina.

Ballerina = 2+1+3+3+5+9+9+5+1 = 38
Death = 4+5+1+20+* = 38

Notice the killer is 17-years old.

Kill = 2+9+3+3 = 17/26
Kill = 11+9+12+12 = 44

Meechaiel = 4+5+5+3+8+1+9+5+3 = 43
Khalil = 2+8+1+3+9+3 = 26/34
Criner = 3+9+9+5+5+9 = 40
Meechaiel Khalil Criner = 109/118 (Death = 118, Jewish Gematria)

Meechaiel = 13+5+5+3+8+1+9+5+12 = 61
Khalil = 11+8+1+12+9+12 = 53
Criner = 3+18+9+14+5+18 = 67
Meechaiel Khalil Criner = 181


  1. Anyone but "Jason Sickles" to write this article, Yahoo.

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey Milo, what do you know.......

      Remember this?

      "B Savage March 30, 2016 at 7:47 PM

      Nice!..... i was looking into school shootings last night.

      I believe we'll see another school "shooting" in April.

      Dates that lined up best to me were between: 4/8-4/13.

      4/13 being "44" days since the last school shooting on 2/29/16."

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    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Niceee!... i need to start looking into those type of connections haha..

      Awesome job.

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