Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, April 2, 2016

22 31 44 51 64 95 118 144 223 | Villanova defeats Oklahoma 95-51 in the Final Four, April 2, 2016

Notice the Sooners went down with 51-points.

Sooners = 1+6+6+5+5+9+1 = 33/42/51 (Conspiracy = 51; Freemason = 51)
Lonnie = 3+6+5+5+9+5 = 33 (Head coach)

It had been 22-years since head coach of Oklahoma, Lonnie Kruger, was in the Final Four.

Basketball = 2+1+1+2+5+2+2+1+3+3 = 22/31/40
Oklahoma = 6+2+3+1+8+6+4+1 = 31/40

Notice the ticker below, 0:22.  And also notice this game was a #2 vs a #2.

V won; V = 22

Also, Villanova winning by 44 with a total of 95-points, connects directly to the championship, which is April 4, 2016, emphasis on '4/4', the 95th day of the year this year.

Villanova won by 44-points, in the tournament that is heavily centered around 44, talk about in your face.  The Championship Game is Monday, 4/4/2016.

4/4/2016 = 4+4+20+16 = 44

Recall, the Oklahoma Sooners (64) defeated Villanova Wildcats (64) 78-55 on December 7, 2015, Pearl Harbor Day, at the Pearl Harbor Classic.  That was 118-days ago, a number connected to 'March Madness'.

Both the team names 'Oklahoma Sooners' and 'Villanova Wildcats' connects to 'March Madness' as well.

March = 4+1+9+3+8 = 25
Madness = 4+1+4+5+5+1+1 = 21/39
March Madness = 46/64 

Villanova scored 42 in first half, on 4/2/2016 | 4/2/2016 = 4+2+20+16 = 42
Also, let us not forget that this is the first championship Villanova has advanced to since 1985, the year the tournament expanded to 64-teams.  That was 31-years ago.

Basketball = 2+1+1+2+5+2+2+1+3+3 = 22/31/40
Oklahoma = 6+2+3+1+8+6+4+1 = 31/40

I'll have to think deeper on the box score.  Maybe something is here.

It would have been Oklahoma's 42nd tournament win today, had they won, April 2, 2016.

4/2/2016 = 4+2+20+16 = 42
Oklahoma falls short of 42nd win on special '42' dates
Freemason = 6+9+5+5+4+1+1+6+5 = 42/51

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