Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, April 10, 2016

22 47 79 137 | Tin Cup's Roy McAvoy and manchurian athlete Rory McIlroy, predictive programming in movies

Someone asked me if I had seen the movie 'Tin Cup' in light of the name 'Rory McIlroy', one of the newer stars on the PGA Tour.  In this film, the main character is named 'Roy McAvoy', played by Kevin Costner.

Tin = 2+9+5 = 16
Cup = 3+3+7 = 13
Tin Cup = 29

Tin = 20+9+14 = 43
Cup = 3+21+16 = 40
Tin Cup = 83

8/16/1996 = 8+16+19+96 = 139 (Freemasonry)
8/16/1996 = 8+16+(1+9+9+6) = 49
8/16/1996 = 8+1+6+1+9+9+6 = 40
8/16/96 = 8+16+96 = 120

Let us not overlook the year '96, the same year Jerry Maguire came out, a movie that has predictive programming for future sports outcomes.

Freemason = 6+18+5+5+13+1+19+15+14 = 96

Roy = 9+6+7 = 22 (Golf)
McAvoy = 4+3+1+4+6+7 = 25
Roy McAvoy = 47

Roy = 18+15+25 = 58 (Freemasonry)
McAvoy = 13+3+1+22+15+25 = 79 (22nd Prime Number) (Golf = 22)
Roy McAvoy = 137 (33rd Prime)

Do you think the name 'Rory McIlroy' is a coincidence in regards to 'Roy McAvoy'?  Just like the name Roy McAvoy connects to the Masonic sport of Golf, so does the name 'Rory McIlory'.

Rory = 18+15+18+25 = 76 (Master)
McIlory = 13+3+9+12+15+18+25 = 95 (Masters)

Rory = 9+6+9+7 = 31
McIlroy = 4+3+9+3+9+6+7 = 41 (Masters)
Rory McIlroy = 72 (Par 72)

The character in the film is played by Kevin Costner.

Kevin = 2+5+4+9+5 = 25/34
Michael = 4+9+3+8+1+5+3 = 33
Costner = 3+6+1+2+5+5+9 = 31/40
Kevin Michael Costner = 89/98/107 (PGA TOUR = 98)

Kevin = 11+5+22+9+14 = 61
Michael = 13+9+3+8+1+5+12 = 51
Costner = 3+15+19+20+14+5+18 = 94
Kevin Michael Costner = 206

1/18/1955 = 1+18+19+55 = 93
1/18/1955 = 1+18+(1+9+5+5) = 39
1/18/1955 = 1+1+8+1+9+5+5 = 30
1/18/55 = 1+18+55 = 74

Kevin Costner will die by the numbers.  It is marked in his birth numerology.

1 comment:

  1. From Kevin Costner's birthday 1/18/55 to Rory McIlroy's birthday 5/4/89 generates some interesting numbers. It's 12525 days, 411 months 16 days or 34 years 3 months 16 days, so assassin and murder coding.


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