Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, April 7, 2016

33 37 38 44 47 73 | Will there be a 'First Man' if Hillary Clinton is elected President?

If Hillary is elected President, theoretically there would be a first man, because of Bill Clinton, but that assumes he will still be alive by January 20, 2017.  Notice Bill is 69-years old, and comes from 'hope'.  These numbers have come together for death many times already in 2016, let us examine.

William = 5+9+3+3+9+1+4 = 34 (Murder) (Bill = 2+9+3+3 = 17)
Jefferson = 1+5+6+6+5+9+1+6+5 = 44 (Kill)
Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33
William Jefferson Clinton = 111
Bill Clinton = 50 (America)

William = 23+9+12+12+9+1+13 = 79 (Murder) (Bill = 2+9+12+12 = 35)
Jefferson = 10+5+6+6+5+18+19+15+14 = 98
Clinton = 3+12+9+14+20+15+14 = 87
William Jefferson Clinton = 264
Bill Clinton = 122

8/19/1946 = 8+19+19+46 = 92
8/19/1946 = 8+19+(1+9+4+6) = 47 (President)
8/19/1946 = 8+1+9+1+9+4+6 = 38 (Death)
8/19/46 = 8+19+46 = 73 (Sacrifice) (Hillary Clinton)

'46' has to do with sacrifice as well.

Sacrifice = 1+1+3+9+9+6+9+3+5 = 46/55

Remember that Bill Clinton's biological father was found dead on the side of the road, while returning from Chicago to Arkansas on a business trip.  He was found dead May 17, 1946.

5/17/1946 = 5+1+7+1+9+4+6 = 33 (Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33)
5/17/1946 = 5+17+19+46 = 87 (Clinton = 3+12+9+14+20+15+14 = 87)

May 17 is the 137th day of the year.

Recall, 137 is the 33rd prime.

Federal = 6+5+4+5+9+1+3 = 33
Clinton = 3+3+9+5+2+6+5 = 33

From his father's death to his birthday, is a span of 13-weeks and 3-days.  Manchurian Politician?

Notice Bill Clinton is from 'hope'.

Hope = 8+6+7+5 = 26
Arkansas = 1+9+2+1+5+1+1+1 = 21/39
Hope, Arkansas = 47/56 (President = 47/56)

Hope = 8+15+16+5 = 44 (Kill)
Arkansas = 1+18+11+1+14+19+1+19 = 84 (United States of America)
Hope, Arkansas = 128

So I ask, will there be a first man?  I could see the loss of Bill building national sympathy for the widowed first female President.  A lot of the hatred for Hillary, is attached to hatred for Bill.  Perhaps with no more actor Bill in the picture, Hillary becomes more favorable?

Bill's been looking sick for awhile.  If the headline tomorrow was that he died of cancer, of bronchitis, would anyone question it?  Let's be honest.


  1. Check this out...
    A 150-1 shot!!!

  2. If Hillary wins it will be a reflection because Bill was elected and she was first lady and now 24 years later, she becomes president and he will be in the FLOTUS spot basically they switch places. Like a pole reversal.

  3. I think Hillary will win because the elections are rigged just like sports . Unless the Mason's want trump ethier way America is gonna be in bad shape for awhile

  4. This article made me think of the Movie Kill Bill.

    Hillary's Sacrifice" in the English Reduction system equals 87

    Kill Bill Quentin Tarantino" in the English Reduction system equals 111 (The Film Runs 111 Min.)

    Kill Bill " in the English Ordinal system equals 79

    Kill Bill " in the English Reduction system equals 34

    (William= 34 ,79)

    William Jefferson Clinton Killed" in the English Reduction system equals 137

    Remember The Cover of That Film Was All Yellow And Black.

    Yellow and Black" in the English Reduction system equals 50

    (Bill Clinton= 50)

    Uma Thurman" in the English Reduction system equals 40

    Hillary" in the English Reduction system equals 40

    Martial Arts Film" in the English Reduction system equals 64 / 73

    Hillary Clinton" in the English Reduction system equals 73

    For The Record I think Tarantino is Films are Pure Garbage. Aside From Jackie Brown which is a Masterpiece.

    1. First Man Dead" in the English Ordinal system equals 114

      First Man Dead" in the English Reduction system equals 51

      First Man Dead Before Election" in the English Reduction system equals 122

    2. Well, I know at least one person understood the point I was making.

    3. Maybe Bill is the 5/23 death

    4. Kill Bill May " in the English Reduction system equals 46

      Kill Bill May " in the English Ordinal system equals 118

      Clinton Born in 1946.

    5. Beatrix Kiddo---122

      Bill Clinton---122

    6. BLM Kill Bill---106, 162(J)

    7. Kill Bill Volume Three---223

  5. I'm sure you've seen this before, but there's a video on YouTube about MK Ultra stooges or something to that degree, and there's a clip of Bill Clinton offstage of one of the presidential debates where he's just completely dead eyed like a zombie while this lady's putting makeup on him. Also there's a clip of creepy ass Barbara Bush in some campaign ad where she looks like Aleister Crowley. You're on to something here, as usual!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Bill Clinton Shot---184, 1104

    Widow President--184, 1104

    1. Heres a fun one:

      Bill Dies on Hillary- --186, 1116, 787(J)

      You should know 787 by now, Freemasonry is 787(J)

      And if I recall correctly, 78 and 87 could back to Clintons.

    2. And in this year of the 96ing 69s

      President Clinton Found Dead---969(J)

      Seems likely.

    3. 5-25-16 would be a better day for him to go. Just so it could be 69 years 9 weeks and 6 days or 69 years 2 months 1 week 6 days.

  8. Numbers aside, this really would be the ultimate move for her campaign. She would garner an insane amount of support.


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