Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, April 4, 2016

33 39 44 64 93 118 | Last college basketball championship game winner buzzer-beater, 1983, North Carolina State over Houston (Lorenzo Charles)

Tonight's championship game was in Houston, and UNC was defeated by a buzzer beater, the first buzzer beater ending of the college basketball championship since 1983, 33-years ago.  Coincidence?  UNC came into the game with 33-wins.

Lorenzo = 3+6+9+5+5+8+6 = 42 (Lo = 3+6 = 9)
Emile = 5+4+9+3+5 = 26
Charles = 3+8+1+9+3+5+1 = 30/39
Lorenzeo Emile Charles = 98/107 (Prophet = 98)
Lorenzo Charles = 72/81
Lo Charles = 39/48

LC = 3 3

Lorenzo = 12+15+18+5+14+26+15 = 105 (Lo = 12+15 = 27)
Emile = 5+13+9+12+5 = 44
Charles = 3+8+1+18+12+5+19 = 66
Lorenzo Emile Charles = 215
Lorenzo Charles = 171
Lo Charles = 93

LC = 12 3

Notice the '39' and '93' gematria, numbers relevant tonight's game, and mostly connected to the University of North Carolina.

11/25/1963 = 11+25+19+63 = 118 (March Madness)
11/25/1963 = 11+25+(1+9+6+3) = 55
11/25/1963 = 1+1+2+5+1+9+6+3 = 28
11/25/63 = 11+25+63 = 99
11/25 = 36 (Villanova won in their 36th year of being in the tournament , 2016 = 20+16 = 36)

6/27/2011 = 6+27+20+11 = 64 (March Madness)
6/27/2011 = 6+27+(2+0+1+1) = 37 (Carolina)
6/27/2011 = 6+2+7+2+0+1+1 = 19
6/27/11 = 6+27+11 = 44 (Big number on tonight's tournament)
6/27 = 6+27 = 33 (33-years ago, de ja vu)


  1. I said nova prob would win after u posted the Simpsons stuff

    1. No great job by u no one else even thought about the Simpsons your pretty good at this stuff

    2. I'm really annoyed how I didn't catch that 45 year ago Villanova Championship game because THE FIRST DAMN TIMESTAMP FOR UNC ON ESPN WAS AFTER THE CUSE GAME WAS 1:45


      Span of 57 Seconds in the Cuse game it was 33-43.....and UNC made it 45.....ding ding ding.

      In the Notre dame. Game ND had Seventy one(=45and 64=Villanova)points until 33 seconds left for a span of 57 Seconds. It was soooo obvious

  2. Tonight UConn womens basketball team takes on Syracuse for the NCAA title. The UConn lady Huskies are going for their 4th consecutive National title in a row. Going for their 11th NCAA title. They have had 17 final Four appearances. Are on a 74 game winning streak and have won 23 consecutive games in NCAA play.

    I think Syracuse (the orange men) just might pull an upset.

    1. Connecticut = 46
      March Madness = 46
      Sacrifice = 46
      Syracuse and Villanova have the Philly Connections...

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